Chapter 62: A Father's Return

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For days after the wedding, Davina and Freya were looking for a way to save Hope. Lya spent hours going through books from the bunker. When she wasn't flipping through some ancient text looking for a miracle cure, she was praying to Chuck. As much as she hated to admit it, Chuck and Amara where probably the only ones capable of saving her daughter.

She was so busy looking for a way to save her daughter, she had no idea Klaus had taken Hope and Elijah to Mystic Falls till Caroline called her. As soon as she got off the phone with her cousin, she called Klaus. After she screamed at him for five minutes straight, he finally got the chance to explain that he was going to Caroline and Alaric have Lizzie and Josie siphon the dark magic out of Hope so it didn't kill her. Klaus, however, neglected to tell her the whole plan before hanging up.

"I'm going to kill your brother," Lya told Rebekah grabbing her keys off the table as she headed for the exit.

"What did Nik do this time?" Rebekah asked quickly cutting off the girl's path.

"He and Elijah to Hope to Mystic Falls without telling me," Lya said crossing her arms.

"That's not that bad" Rebekah interrupted her.

"So the Saltzman Twins can siphon the dark magic out of her" Lya finished her statement. "Which I would normally be okay with if it wasn't for the fact that their thirteen. Now can I go?"

Rebekah stepped aside and Lya continued her path out to her car. However, before she could get more than a few feet out of the compound she appeared in the same bar Chuck brought her to ten years ago.

"This again" Lya shouted spinning around to face her 'father' and aunt.

"I know you angry with me," Chuck said taking a step back from her.

"Angry" Lya hissed "Try infuriated. You've been gone for ten years. Do have any idea how many times humanity has to need you? How many times did I need you? How many times Hope or Jack need you?"

"I..." Chuck began to speak but Lya cut him off.

"Don't you dare use Aunt Amara as an excuse" Lya snapped glancing at the Darkness. "I get the feeling she would have happily come to visit with you but no instead you abounded us again. You abounded us after you promised me and Lucifer, you wouldn't."

"I'm sorry" Chuck tried to apologize.

"Sorry doesn't cut it" Lya's voice creaked from anger dulling into grief. "Gabriel and Lucifer are dead, my daughter, your granddaughter, is dying, and all of that could have been avoided if you cared to actually be a father."

"I regret not being able to save your brothers," Chuck said, "and I know I should have come back to help with the Michael from that other universe but I couldn't bring myself to face my daughter beginning anger at me."

"Then why are you here?" Lya shouted, "If you're so scared of facing me when I'm angry at you then why to show up?"

"Because Hope is going to die" Chuck exclaimed. "And you would never forgive me if I let that happen."

"Brother" Amara silenced him turning to her niece. "Neither I or your father want anything to happen to Hope. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Aunt Amara" Lya spoke in a calmer tone towards her aunt.

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