Chapter 7: Birth

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The next four months went by quickly. Klaus had run off Rebekah for betraying him and was now sleeping with the witch Genevieve. Hayley had saved the crescents from their curse and was enjoying spending time with her family. Lya talked to her brothers every day and updated them on the baby, which at the moment she was currently doing.

"Come up with any names yet," Dean asked, "Or is my niece going to nameless for the first month of her life like you were."

"Of course I've come up with a few names" Lya shouted through the phone at her brother's stupid. "I've had enough friends die that I have a list of people I could name this kid after."

"Well can you give us a few,"  Sam asked

"Sure," Lya said think for a second. "Let's there's Emily, Ellen, Joanna, Jessica, Mary"

"Hold on Mary and Jessica" Dean interrupted her "why those"

"Well, Mary would be for your mother obviously," Lya told him "I mean do you honestly think I wouldn't consider naming my child after her."

"She has a point Dean" Sam pointed "still doesn't explain why Jess is on your list."

"Sammy, you loved her" Lya explained, "and if Dean and I hadn't taken you from that weekend, she would probably be my sister by now, so of course I'd want to honor her."

"Well isn't that sweet" Bobby's ghost said from the other decided then to pop up.

"Karen's on my list to Bobby," Lya told the ghost. "Figure naming my child after her would be the best way to honor you."

"It's sweet that you thought of that kid," Bobby told her "but you don't have to."

"Lya" Klaus called from upstairs

"I have to go, I'll call you later," she told the boys and Bobby hanging up before getting up from her seat and going to find Klaus. Before she got to him through the first contraction hit and within seconds Elijah was supporting her.

"Niklaus" the older Mikaelson shouted for his brother and vamp speeded into the room.

"What is it," Klaus asked as Genevieve came in behind her.

"She's going into labor" Genevieve informed him.

"Then when need to get her to the hospital," Elijah said.

"Do you honestly think doctors are going to understand this?" Genevieve asked "She about to give birth to a child that part vampire which has never happened before. It's best the harvest girls and I take care of this."

Genevieve and the harvest girls end up kidnapping Lya and taking her to St. Anne's. There she gave birth to her daughter as the witch hold Klaus against the wall with magic. The second Klaus laid eyes on his daughter, Lya could see the hybrids walls of darkness cracking.

"Can I hold her?" Lya asked and Genevieve nodded placing the baby in Lya's arms before walking behind her and slitting her throat as one of the harvest girls took the baby. The last thing Lya hard before dying was Klaus screaming.

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