Chapter 13: Labonair

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A few days after Christmas, Lya and Hayley sat outside the safe house playing with Hope. Klaus had gone back to New Orleans to get Cami and protect her from Finn. He always was going to drop Henry off with Kol and Davina so they could figure out what's wrong with him.

"I found a way to make it to were the crescents don't need Esther's moonlight rings," Hayley said breaking the silence.

"How?" Lya asked handing Hope the block she had dropped

"It's this old ritual where alphas would marry to join their pack and share abilities" Hayley explained, "Klaus confirm that it works and since I don't have to turn on the full moon as a hybrid, I decided to marry Jackson."

"Wow," Lya said looking at her friend in shock. "I don't know if I suppose to congratulate you or be concerned. Do you even want to do this? You'd be giving up whatever it is that you have with Elijah."

"I know but it what I have to do," Hayley said kissing Hope's forehead. "and not just for the pack but for Hope. Once the pack's free of Esther, they can protect Hope meaning she can home."

"You don't have to do..." Lya began but Hayley cut her off.

"I wanted to do this" Hayley said, "I made up mind and I know that helping my people is the right thing."

"Okay," Lya said getting a text from Sam asking her to see her mother's last name was in their father's journal. "I'll be back. Can you watch her?"

"Sure thing," Hayley said nodding before turning back to Hope as Lya ran inside.

Lya found the journal and flipped through the pages until she found the first entry that had anything to do with her mother. She never cared to learn her mom's last name but looking at it now made her wish had. Quickly Lya sent the name back to Sam and run back outside to Hayley with the journal.

"Hayley, what was your birth mom's first name," Lya asked.

"Emily" Hayley told her "Why"

"Because this can't be a coincidence," Lya said handing her the journal.

"I meet an interesting hunter today" Hayley read what John had written years earlier. "Her name is Emily Labonair..." Hayley trailed off after that.

"And get this my mom once told me about the werewolf she married before she met my father," Lya said, "and that she had a daughter named Andrea."

"So that would make you my little sister," Hayley said.

"Yeah," Lya said, "and Hope your niece."

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