Chapter 60: Love Through Out

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The announcement of Freya and Keelin's was wedding brought light to the family that was currently surrounded by the family. However, since it was on such short notice, everyone was in a frenzy as the tried to get things together. Kol was going to do the ceremony, Rebekah was the maid of honor, and Klaus was doing various things for the venue, which left Lya in the same situation she'd been at during Caroline and Stefan's wedding, planning everything last minute.

"Mom, you're stressing out," Hope said entering the room as her mother was picking out flowers for her friends' wedding.

"Yeah well, last time I planned a rushed wedding" Lya began her statement. "I had Superbride, a Bennett Witch, and Damon, who was oddly the most helpful person ever. This time I have a bunch of every single Mikaelson plus Keelin and for some reason, your dad is being the most helpful."

"Rebekah got the wedding dresses" Hope pointed out.

"Fair point," Lya said.

"Here, how about I pick out flowers," Hope said, "and you go, help dad."

"That may not be a good idea," Lya said to think back to the heated kiss her and Klaus shared days earlier.

"Because of that kiss, you two shared the other day and didn't talk about," Hope asked and Lya looked at her in shock. "Mom, I'm not blind. For pretty much my entire life you've been madly in love with dad. Now go talk to him or I'm getting Aunt Rebekah and Uncle Kol to help me look you two in a room together till you do."

"Fine, I'm going" Lya faked annoyance as she got up to leave. "But the flowers better be the best."

"Love you" Hope shouted after her smiling at.

"Love you too"


Lya caught up with Klaus on his way to the venue. The man didn't seem to mind her tagging along but instead took her hand and lead her to Freya and Keelin's chosen venue.

"So what made you decide to join me, Love," Klaus asked as the walkthrough streets towards their destination.

"Hope decided that I needed a break," Lya said "Apparently since the last wedding I helped planned in the groom's death, I've been stressing myself out trying to make sure this isn't a repeat. Well, that want wants to talk about that kiss the other night."

"Clearly she gets that from you and Caroline," Klaus said, "but what is there even to talk about?"

"The fact that you kissed four years after you broke up with me" Lya stated. "And in doing so broke my heart."

"You kissed back" Klaus smirked down at her. "And it was never my intention to hurt you. At the time I thought it was best as us not being together was clearly taking a toll on us a both."

"You are a thousand-year-old idiot, Niklaus Mikaelson," Lya told him "You realize that you could have just told..."

Klaus cut off her angry rant by kissing her. Instantly Lya melted into and wrapped her arms around his neck while his hands found their way to her hips.

"I love you," Klaus said pulling away "and I'm sorry for being an idiot. Now can we go get this venue for my sister's wedding."

"Fine" Lya said kissing his cheek.

Just some Lope (Lya and Hope) banter and Lylaus getting back together. It felt right to write this while working on my chapters for 5x10. Also wrote this after watching the Originals Series final and though I'm pissed that killed Klaus, I have to have him and Elijah die together was a pretty good ending but they should have shown them finding peace or something. I mean come on Hayley was watching Hope which was clearly a take on the TVD Final so they could have at least show Klaus and Elijah happy in the afterlife.

Love Y'all,


P.S. What Did You Guys Thinking Of The Originals Series Final and Are You Going To Watch Legacies?

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