Chapter 14: Destiny

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Lya had stayed behind with Cami and Elijah when Hayley and Klaus head back to New Orleans. She didn't plan to leave her daughter again unless someone killed her to make it happen. At the moment she and Cami sat in the living talking about the recent discovery of Hayley and Lya being long lost sister while Hope was napping.

"It crazy to think no one noticed it sooner" Cami stated, "I mean the two already acted like you were sisters and Hayley's instinct to protect Hope always seemed strong than a just a sire bond."

"I know," Lya said "and I think part of me always knew the truth but having confirmed is so weird. Literally my whole life I've only had old brothers and suddenly I have a time-displaced grandfather and older sister."

"And an eight-month-old baby" Cami added.

"It's weird to think who much my life has changed in the past two years." Lya said "I mean two years ago, I was senior in high school and human. Now I'm a vampire and I have a child with Klaus Mikaelson, who I use to want dead by the way"

"If I remember correctly," Elijah said entering the room "Two years ago, you also daggered Rebekah and now she one of your best friends

"Hold on you daggered an Original and lived," Cami said.

"Okay technically Elena and I daggered Rebekah" Lya pointed out as her phone began to ring "and Elijah saved our asses. Anyways speaking of best friends, I need to answers or a gypsy going to hunt my ass down." She quickly stepped outside and answered the phone. "Hey Destiny, what's up?"

"Nothing really," Destiny said "I just realized you have called me in while and I want to what the fuck was up with that. I get you lost your baby and but Lya that no reason to not call me."

"Sorry D," Lya said, "Things have just been really crazy between dealing with losing her and everything that's going with my brothers, I completely forget that you take priority in my life too."

"It's okay just don't go four months without calling again," Destiny said "or I'm going to start thinking Klaus killed"

"Okay, I promise to call more" Lya said, "Oh and guess what I learned the other day."


"So you know my werewolf turned hybrid friend Hayley right," Lya said and Destiny gave her a yes in response "Well it turns out she's actually my long lost older sister Andrea."

"Your fucking kidding" Destiny said "That's freaken awesome. Oh, and before I forget, Aunt Lynda and Peter are moving to Hemlock Grove in the summer so you have to come to visit at some point."

"Okay, I'll find the time and let you know when can come," Lya told her.

"Good" Destiny said.

"Tell Peter and Lynda, I said hi," Lya said

"Will do," Destiny said, "Love you, bye."

"Bye, Love you too"

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