Rylyn, Acid Reflux

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I didn't know what the hell was going on with me. Something had definitely changed, and I could tell that Brook had noticed, being my boyfriend and all. I'd told him I was feeling a bit under the weather, but it was clear that Brook didn't believe me.

How could I tell him, or the boys for that matter, that it hurt to eat now? I could only swallow small pieces of food, and even then it seemed to get stuck in my throat.
I think everyone had noticed and I hated the looks of concern I was given. Especially from Brook late at night when we cuddled.

I didn't realise that it would get so bad.


I rubbed my eyes sleepily when my arms didn't feel so heavy. Blinking away the sleep, I took in Brooks passed out body wrapped securely around mine, arms holding onto me tight. I smiled groggily, shifting gently so that my body was facing him, trying to not wake him... But luckily he was a heavy sleeper. He made a noise of protest, but I buried my face in his chest, sighing when he pulled me close again.
I loved these moments. Where it was just the two of us, with no interruptions, half asleep but still loving each other.
It was pure bliss.

And then the hiccups started.
I held my breath after the first one, desperately trying to keep still so that I wouldn't wake my boyfriend. It was in vain, because I felt him stirring. I tried to sigh, but all that can out was another round of hiccups.

"Morning." Brook mumbled, and I smiled as he pressed a lazy kiss to my lips. I pulled away quickly, and hiccuped again.

"Are you alright?" He asked, instantly sounding more alert. It was almost a record.

"Yeah... hiccups. It's fine." I hiccuped while saying it, sitting up and holding my breath.

"Okay. I'm going to get you a drink alright, see if that helps." He then left the room, and I sat on the edge of the bed, closing my eyes in frustration. Why did I always have to ruin the sweet moments we had together?

Holding my breath didn't work. If anything they sped up, and I pressed a hand to my chest in discomfort. Why weren't they going away?
My boyfriend walked back in then, and I opened my eyes, already reaching for the glass.

"Thanks babe." I smiled softly, before promptly hiccupping.

I took a few sips, trying every technique that I knew of. Nothing worked. They wouldn't let down.
Why was it always me?

"Are they not going away?" Brook ran a hand through my hair.

"No... I don't know why." I hiccuped again, and he giggled softly.

"Aww, they're cute." He pinched my cheeks together and I felt myself blush and try to hide my face.

"Stop it Brooky-" I was cut off abruptly by another one. And then they seemed to get more violent. I held my chest as I leant over, breathing heavily. What the hell was going on?

"Easy... just try to breath normally Rye... take deep breaths." Brooklyn rubbed my back, taking hold of one of my hands and running his thumb over my knuckles so softly that it felt like a butterfly had landed on top of them.

I did as he asked, or tried to anyway, but the discomfort stayed behind, lingering, almost festering inside me. I didn't say anything, instead just sitting up straighter when they let up finally.

"Thanks Baby." I pressed my lips gently on his, smiling into the kiss as he cupped my cheek with one hand.
"Don't worry about it... c'mon let's get up and dressed. I'm sure the boys are wondering where we are."

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