Rylyn, Isolation (Part 2)

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I didn't know what to think when Brooklyn finally walked through the door. He just looked so lost, and so broken. I had no words to greet him with, in my shock, but I was beyond relieved to see him. He'd been missing all day, his phone laying unlocked on his bedroom floor.

But like I said, I had no words for his distant expression, so I just opened my arms, sighing heavily when he hugged me tightly. He was shaking, and I wasn't surprised. It was bitterly cold out, and he hadn't taken a jacket or a coat with him at all.

And also, where had he been this whole time?

"It's okay Brooky. Get it all out." I murmured into his ear.
I ruffled his hair in what I thought was a comforting manner. It was at that point that he burst into tears on me.

My heart broke for him.

I had seen how he had been distancing himself lately, barely leaving his room, his bed even.
I had seen the state he had left the bathroom, so before the other boys could see it I had cleaned it up; just like I'd tidied and fixed his room for him. I'd wanted to help him, but I couldn't find him to do so.

This was the next best thing.

And then I'd stayed up for him, telling myself that I wouldn't sleep until he came home safely; which he had done, in some ways. Not in others.

"You're okay Brook... You're okay." I whispered, hating how his sobs grew progressively louder.

Is this what he had been hiding these last few weeks? How long exactly had he been holding this in for?

But his tears didn't seem to be stopping, something that killed me on the inside. Brook didn't deserve this at all. Whatever was bothering him...

"Calm down Brooklyn, alright? Just calm down... There's nothing here that can hurt you bud." I said, rocking him so that the two of us were swaying gently in the middle of the kitchen.

I don't remember how long it took, but eventually Brooklyn stopped crying.
He sniffed a few times into my shoulder before he stepped away, rubbing his eyes. His lips still wobbled something awful, telling me that he was not in a better place at all.
If anything, he seemed to be worse than when he had walked into the kitchen minutes ago.

"Hey, Brook. Let's go and sit in the sitting room yeah? And I'll make you a cup of tea. You're freezing." I offered.

Brooklyn, bless his heart, did try to smile, but he couldn't manage it. That made me realise just how bad Brooklyn was feeling. All he did was nod at me, and I rubbed his shoulder supportively.

"Alright, c'mon." I pulled him behind me when he didn't move, biting my lip in the process.

I had no idea what I was supposed to do... What do I do in a situation like this?
I've never been good at comforting my friends; Mikey took that role in this band. But he was asleep, and so was everyone else. It was just me and Brook, so I knew that I would have to try my best to help.

He sat down on the edge of the sofa, tense and shivering, so I unfolded the blanket we kept in the sitting room and draped it gently over his shoulders.
He didn't say thank you, instead just bringing his hands up to draw in closer around him. I sighed in pity. I hated seeing him like this.

"I'll be right back with your tea Brook." I called quietly, my head falling when I got no reaction.
He probably had heard me, I knew that much, but my guess was that he probably didn't know what to say.

He wasn't alone in that though; I still had no idea what I was going to do to help him, or what to say.

I flicked the switch on the kettle, leaning on the island as I had been before Brook had trailed in. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath. Then another. And another.

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