Mack, Reading The Signs

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As requested by afanofhrvyandrt... I'm guessing you changed your name? 😂😂 Anyway, I hope this is what you wanted  xxx❤️❤️❤️


Why did I have to like my best friend? If that wasn't bad enough, he was also my bandmate. And if that wasn't bad enough too, he also liked my other best friend and bandmate Andy. I was positive... I'd seen the way they'd cuddled up together earlier. There was no way they couldn't not like each other.
Life sucked.
Either way, I just wanted Mikey to be happy... And if that was with Andy, then I'd support him.
It just sucked that I fell so hard for him... I don't think I can climb myself out of this.

"Jack? Are you nearly done? I want to have a shower!" Brook called through the bathroom door.
Damn, how long was I zoned out for?

I rubbed my face tiredly with one hand, before heading over to the door and unlocking it. I pulled it open, and Brooks face appeared around the corner. I jumped, startled, heart pounding, and Brook started laughing.

"Yes! I got you." He laughed, and once I'd caught my breath I laughed as well. Pulling the door open the rest of the way I wrapped myself around him, squeezing him tightly.

"No... Jack get off me." He whined, and I couldn't stop laughing. I ended up climbing on top of him, and Brook carried me into the Mindy room as best he could, but I quietened down considerably when I saw that Andy has his arms around Mikey as they watched something on Andy's laptop.

Mikey looked up as we entered the room, eyes lingering a tad too long on me, before averting his gaze back to the screen. Brook chucked me onto the sofa and then ran into the bathroom.

"Dammit Brook!" I shouted, and I heard him laugh from the bathroom. Picking myself up, I headed over to the kitchen area to get myself a drink.

I could always rely on Brook for a laugh. Yet I didn't seem to be doing as much of that these days... too many thoughts swirling through my head.

"Boys!" Rye shouted from his room, and I could hear the excitement in his voice. That only meant one thing.

"What?" Andy replied, removing his headphones, and the three of us smiled at each other.

"Harvey said he's coming home tonight! We should play truth or dare!" He emerged from his room with a big grin on his face.
It was so obvious.

"Yeah, we should! We'll ask Brook when he comes out of the shower." Mikey suggested, and I made eye contact with him. I got lost in his eyes then, searching deep below the depths of the surface to find something, anything... a hint...

Mikey averted his gaze too soon though, leaving me feeling like I was missing something, and leaving me feeling like my heart was snapping clean in two... well, it was.

"So Rye... are you going to make it official with Harvey when he gets back?" I smirked, internally fistpumping when I saw Mikey in hysterics.

Rye flushed scarlet, ready backing out if the room. "I don't know what you're talking about." He muttered, and before he slammed his door shut I yelled after him.

"You can't deny true love Ryan."

Andy laughed at that, and proceeded to pull Mikey even closer. I clenched my fists together, before calmly standing up off the chair.

"I'll see you guys later on." I said, but neither seemed to hear me. I sighed, dropping my head. Of course they would be absorbed in eachother... It's what happened when you're in love with someone.

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