Mack, Walk

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Myself and Mikey left the flat about seven in the morning... I know, a rare occurrence, seeing as the pair of us like our sleep.

But we had been up since about five for some reason, us being the only two awake, so we decided screw it! We'd go for a walk. Just the two of us.

I smiled a bit at that, sneaking a glance at Mikey, who was walking beside me.

He looked more tired than usual, but in my opinion that only made him all the more beautiful:

His hair wasn't as I knew he liked it, but I loved it; I just never voiced these things.

His eyes swam with emotion as he drunk in the surroundings, the blue in them seemingly jolting with electricity.

Every step we took, our hands brushed, never making the move to lace his fingers with mine. And with every brush, a rush of electricity jolted through my body.

I wasn't sure if Mikey felt it too.

He had this ability to look flawless in any outfit, one of the reasons why I couldn't take my eyes off of him this morning.

"What are you doing for Christmas Jackie?" Mikey asked.

At the mention of Christmas a warm feeling settled in my chest. Family time, but I would also miss the boys. Especially Mikey, as of late.

"Going home for while to see the fam and stuff. You?" I answered, before firing back the same question.

Sometimes I wondered why we asked ourselves such questions, considering we always did the same thing every Christmas. It was no secret that the five of us loved out families to pieces.

"Bristol to see my family too I guess." Mikey replied, but I could tell that something was off with him.

I just nodded, not really sure what I was going to say. We walked along the river bank for a while, taking in the scenery. The green. The silence. The peacefulness. The bliss.

"I'm gonna miss you." He said quietly.

I watched him out of the corner of my eye. Still walking, but head down. I averted my gaze, blushing.

He was going to miss me? But I mean, we all missed each other; it was a hard change to go from five mates in a house back to your family.

"I'm gonna miss you too Mike." I replied, turning to look at Mikey a few seconds later.
I was shocked to see that he wasn't walking beside me.

Instead, he was stood facing the river. A cold breeze blew by, and I walked into his side, tucking myself under his arm. I leant my head on his shoulder, sighing when he didn't ask me to get off like the others would have done. Another reason why I loved him in the way I did.

"Who do you think you'd be if you didn't get into Roadtrip?"

The words slipped from my mouth without warning, but I didn't regret them. I liked having these chats with Mikey, about literally anything, because he never judged or anything of the sort. He listened, and provided advice.

"I don't really want to think about it. I wouldn't have been happy, for a start, and..." He trailed off, and I lifted my head with a frown.
He was still a bit off today. I wondered why...

"And what?" I prompted, no, encouraged him.

"And I wouldn't have met you." He said softly, so quietly that it was almost lost in the wind. Almost.

I smiled, hiding my face in his shoulder. He was too cute. Adorable.

His fingers caressed my side, and he rested his head on mine. The river looked striking; clear, still, pristine.

We didn't speak after that, opting to just stay in each others arms, staring out into the river. It was oddly calming, something I wouldn't have expected. But I guess it was very early in the morning...

We walked away then, side by side, and I shivered at the loss of contact from Mikey. It was going to sound so stupid, but I missed him; already.

I stared at Mikey fondly, not even looking away when he stopped walking, looking right at me.

"What are you looking at?" He asked, frowning, but smile playing at the corner of his lips.

I giggled. "You."

Before I could lose my nerve I stepped on my tip toes and kissed his cheek. My hand found his as I walked away, gently pulling him along behind me, a spring in my step. I was on cloud nine then, nothing bringing me down.

Maybe someday we'd be together... just not yet.

But Mikey's deep blush kept me hoping.


Short but sweet.❤️ And the complete opposite to the last one 😂

Thanks to ____1lina1____, CornBeanBesson, Lucy_roadtrip1000, meerawwh, fovvs_yeet, kissy_my_darling and suggy_maynard for voting!❤️ (Sorry, it didn't seem to like me putting your names in bold🙄)

"Never apologise for being yourself."

Love WolfGirl.❤️

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