Mack, Homesick

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I knew the signs well enough by now.
Quieter than usual, more clingy,  yet at the same time isolating himself more. Cleaning more frequently, even if there was nothing to clean. Reorganising his space. Not coming out from his bed until late in the afternoon on a day off.

Not talking to me about things that he always did. He wouldn't eat as much, claiming he felt sick, which in a way he did. He'd never been physically sick over it before, but I knew he'd come very close on numerous occasions. I'd be the one to find him hunched over the toilet, sweating, but nothing ever came up.
I'd then rub his back, and he'd fall backwards into me until I wrapped my arms around him.

"Talk to me Mikey." I'd murmur quietly, hearing him sigh. "I hate it when you don't talk to me."

"I'm sorry." He'd reply, "I just miss my mum... And my family."

I'd press my face into his shoulder, breathing him in.

"I'll talk to the boys, see if we can arrange something." I would promise, knowing that the boys wouldn't mind if he had to go home for a day or two.

"Thanks Jackie." He'd whisper shakily, and we'd stand up together, me pulling Mikey up, who was still feeling weak after not taking care of himself properly.

"C'mon babe... You need to sleep. And I mean actually sleep, not just a few hours on and off like I know you have been doing." I'd scold, making him chuckle a bit.

"It's just different, I know I can call her, and text her, but it's not the same as seeing her in person." He'd softly speak as we both walked quietly to his bed, careful not to wake Andy.

We'd lay down together, a tangle of limbs, but it worked. He'd bury his head in my chest, and I'd run my hand through his hair. He'd be the first to fall asleep, and I would follow.

This all happened last night.

The next morning I woke up, frowning when I woke up to an empty bed. I sat up, rubbing my eyes, blinking slowly, allowing myself to properly wake up. I looked over to Andy, seeing him on his laptop.

He looked over, taking his headphones off. "Mmm?"

"Do you know where Mikey is? I'm worried about him..." I'd trail off, sighing.

"Yeah, he went outside about an hour ago on the phone. Homesickness?" Andy answered, before guessing easily. We all knew eachother so well.

I nodded, before standing up and yawning.

"Wait, Jack..." Andy began. I turned to face him, question in my eyes.

"I think he's on the phone to his mum... just give him some space." Andy suggested, concern in his eyes. I nodded, sitting back down, resting my head in my hands.

"He wants to go home... but he doesn't want to let you guys down. He knows it'll mean pushing back a few dates, so he doesn't mention it." I said quietly, closing my eyes as I felt the words come out.

"The boys won't mind. I don't mind." Andy replied, and I heard him close his laptop and sit up. "Is it that bad again?" He asked worriedly.

I sighed heavily. "I found him in the bathroom again... he said he felt sick, it's making him sick Andy." I murmered, feeling my eyes fill with tears. "I don't know what to do. He's my boyfriend and I don't know what to do."

I felt my bed dip as Andy moved to sit beside me, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"Take him home today. Get the next train and go with him. I don't want to see either of your faces for three days." He chuckled, and I laughed, wiping my eyes, lifting my head up and breathing deeply.

"Cheers Andy... right, I'm going to go and book some tickets." I decided, standing up and heading into my room to get my laptop. I brought it back into Mikey's and Andy's room, and focussed on the task. The next train left in two hours, and it would only take twenty minutes to get there. Brilliant.


I then began packing Mikey's bag, and packing myself a bag, knowing that Mikey wouldn't want to when he came back in. I took care to not wake up Brooklyn when I rummaged around in my room, sighing in relief when he didn't move a muscle. I gently closed the bedroom door, and dumped my bag beside Mikey's on the sofa.

Then the door quietly opened, and clicked shut. I stood up straight away and walked into the hallway, heart wrenching as Mikey slowly shuffled in, head hanging down, clutching his phone so hard that his knuckles were white.  He looked up when he saw me, and the first thing I saw was his red, puffy eyes, and then I realised that his eyes were still watery. Mikey tried to smile, but his lips ended up quivering. I pulled him into a hug, and I felt my shirt become wet.
I didn't care.
I held him close, whispering in his ear, and pressing soft kisses to his head.
He clutched my tightly, almost as tightly as he had clutched his phone as he'd first walked in.

At that moment, Rye's bedroom door opened silently, but he froze when he saw what was happening. I shifted so that Mikey would be looking at the front door, and gave Rye a sad smile.
He looked like he'd been punched. He nodded towards me, before creeping into the kitchen, and I heard him and Andy have a quiet conversation.

"Mikey?" I murmered, once he'd calmed down enough.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, and he pulled away. I kissed his lips and sighed softly as I broke it off.

"Were you talking to your mum?" I asked, already knowing the answer. My boyfriend nodded, and I saw him slide his phone into his pocket.

"Yeah... I just wanted to hear her voice for a bit... I miss her Jackie." He whispered. I laced his hand with my own.

"I know Mikey..." I rubbed his knuckles.

We stayed silent for a few seconds before I spoke again.

"Anyway, I have a surprise for you." I said. He looked at me oddly.

"What is it? Should I be worried?" I smiled, glad that he was slowly going back to the old Mikey.

"No, you should be excited." I continued.

"Tell me." He breathed, eyes sparkling slightly. They hadn't sparkled like that for a few days.

I shook my head. "Nah... I'll show you instead."

I pulled him into the Mindy room, and pushed my still open lap top towards him as we sat down on his bed. He took a minute or two to read it.

"I don't understand." He said, looking from me, to Andy, and to Rye, Andy having told him what was happening. We all smiled at him, laughing.

"We're going home today Mikey. Just me and you. You can see your mum." I spoke softly, and he met my gaze with wide eyes. Pushing my lap top to the side, he then threw himself at me, wrapping his arms around me and holding me tight. The momentum knocked me over, and we tumbled to the floor, much to Andy's and Rye's amusement.

"You didn't have to do that Jackie." Mikey whispered into my chest, but I could tell that he was excited.

"I did... I know what this does to you." I replied, as we both stood up.
He pressed his lips hard against my own, and I held his face with both my hands.

Andy and Rye cheered in the background, but we didn't part, only when we were out of breath.
I rested my forehead on his, taking in his expression.
I'd done that... I'd made him that happy.

I grinned back at my boyfriend, before he engulfed me in a hug.

We stood still for a long time, drinking in the others warmth and comfort.

"I love you Jack." He murmered, lifting his head to whisper into my ear.

"I love you too."


Thankyou so much for all the reads!
I hope you enjoyed it! I made it slightly longer to make up for the short ones I've been giving you, and I'm sorry about that.
A pleasure as always.
Love WolfGirl. ❤️

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