Rylyn, Deaf

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Requested by thoughts-and-stars. Thanks for the request, and I hope you like this!


I hated how I would never get to hear Rye's voice. I hated how I would never be able to hear him sing.

I hated that I was born deaf.

But hey, you know what? My life was pretty great. I had an amazing boyfriend, some awesome friends, and the love and support of thousands of people. And that was all I needed really. As long as someone was there, I knew I was fine.

So Rye and I went into town, because Rye was looking for a new jumper; his were either ripped, or I had nicked them, not that I told him that. Even if I did he wouldn't ask for them back.

But he'd picked out some, and I'd helped, signing abashedly with my hands that the colours either suited him, or he looked good in them.

Rye's mouth had quirked upwards in a smile, and he'd leant in to peck me on the lips. I turned scarlet, but nodded when he signed to let me know he was going to try the clothes on.

I wondered off a bit, brushing my hands over the fabric. Wool. Jean. Leather. Soft. Course. Silk. All different textures; exactly how I imagined people's voices to be like.

After about ten minutes I felt a harsh prod on my shoulder. I flinched, startled, but turned around.

I saw what the problem was.

Two workers were trying to get passed with a trolley, but I had been stood in the way.

I flushed in embarrassment, stepped out of the way, mouthed a quick sorry to them. They looked angry.

I saw their mouths moving, and despite being good at lip reading, I couldn't even attempt to figure out what they were saying. Probably something to do with listening, and looking where you're going...

But I couldn't hear anything, so it really wasn't my fault. I knew I should always be more aware, but I was lost in thought.

So I started to sign something, to let them know the situation, but the men didn't even notice; or they refused to.

Their faces got redder and redder, and I backed away when their arms started to fly wildly around.

I didn't realise that I had started to shake until I felt a soft hand on my waist. I didn't even flinch, for I knew who that hand belonged to. I turned to Rye with wide eyes, seeing his frown and his eyes; blazed with anger.

I signed frantically at him, fumbling my hands a bit; that I had been lost in my own world, and of course I hadn't heard them ask me to move, and that they wouldn't leave me alone for it.

Rye stilled my hands with his, a gentle look in his brown eyes. Soft.

He didn't even look to the men for a while, making sure that I was fine before he spoke to them. I nodded a few times at him, no longer shaking. No longer scared.

Then Rye's expression turned sour as he looked over to the workers.

He stepped towards them, and I saw their faces flicker with fear. They looked guilty, but I didn't pay attention to that; I was more focused on my boyfriend.

I saw his expression flit through hundreds of emotions in the space of a few seconds. I saw all of their lips move, Rye gesturing towards me, the workers gesturing towards me, but I stayed still, constantly checking behind me to see if I was blocking the way for anyone else. I wasn't, but I kept to the edge anyway.

Before I knew it the workers were pushing the trolley passed me, red in the face, heads down.

Rye walked into my field of vision, making me jump slightly. I saw him smile, and he cupped my cheek with his hand.

I signed a shaky thank you, followed by a shaky I love you.

Rye's soft hands covered mine again, stilled them, and brought them to his mouth. I felt him kiss my knuckles, and I giggled; I mean, I didn't know what sound I made, but the light I saw in Rye's eyes was enough.

He leant in to kiss my forehead, before he wrapped an arm loosely around my waist, light, but so that he held me close.

Then I frowned.

I asked him where the jumpers were with steady hands, and he replied with one hand, Already bought them.

I looked down, and saw a bag in his hand; why had I not seen that before?

So that's why you took so long then, I signed back with a grin.

Rye eyed me with a smile, I love you too Brooky, he signed.

I sighed, revelling in the feeling of his hand rested on my waist.

It was enough for me.


Thanks to brooks_perm, abisexualperson, thereal_apollo and MaddieBear555 for voting!❤️

"When you see the sun, I see the moon."

Love WolfGirl.❤️

Also... Happy Birthday Rye! 🐝

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