1. Silence

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People say silence is golden, that it doesn't come around too often. That's not necessarily true, you just need to know how to block every sound out. Then you can live in silence forever and for eternity.

I learned to shut out sounds as soon as I turned seven. That's when I lost the one thing I ever, truly loved. My parents. always left in the shadows, I never ever found out how they died. Now I have to live with the question for my entire life, and it haunts me.

Staring at my bare, plain white ceiling I listen to the silence. However, did anyone ever tell you that silence was deafening? It's true, don't take as "just some quote" it's.....reality.

I didn't choose this kind of action, this behaviour, this life. It was just given to me, either I liked it or not. It wasn't some sort of of choice or decision I could of made. It was all supposed be. Though, I always thought about that. Sometimes, could the way things are supposed to be, be wrong?

My aunt and uncle say I think too much, and that it's wrong for a seventeen year old girl to question things. I'm supposed to see clearly, as if it was water. Those things just don't appeal to me.

I want to be able to wander in my mind, and swim away with my dreams.
Fly to another universe in my imagination, and be anything I wasn't to be in my thoughts. Even though I could never tell them that. Aunt and uncle would probably get grounded or beaten, just because I spoke what was on my mind.

I hated it here, with my aunt and uncle. They were the worst than anything I had ever seen. Of course, maybe I'm just saying that because uncle clobbered me a few moments ago. Now, I'm covered in dark purple bruises, bloodied lips, and tear stained cheeks.

I always dreamed that maybe one day. My Prince Charming would come and take me away from this horrid place. Release me from the chains that covered my hear and healed my broken soul. However, my Prince Charming never came. I began to believe that he would never come, and that he was nothing but a part of my imagination. But I still dream, even if he doesn't come around to save me.

I let go of the silence, and I listened to my aunt and uncle. They were arguing. Which meant one of them would come up and beat me soon, or I'll get a beating in the morning. It all kind of depends on how tired they are. Even though, being beaten for ten long years makes you grow a tough skin.

I lay, listening to nothing but the angry voices, cuddling my pillow. Blankets pulled right up to my neck. Praying that would come in any time soon. Praying they wouldn't beat me. Praying that I would one day be free.

Though, I know I'll never be free. I'll forever be a meaningless punching bag. I continuously say pray, but I don't believe in God. If he saw me struggling and living in such a terrible place, wouldn't he save me? He hasn't yet, but I had already given up hope serval years ago.

"We have no money!" Aunt Diana screamed. "Thats not my fault!" Uncle Kevin would yell, pointing all the fingers and blaming all the faults on Aunt. "I'm not the one drinking everyday and doing them drugs, am I?" She scolded him, turning the tables. Then I heard him laugh hysterically.

That wasn't good. That's meant he was mad, no, angry! I've seen him angry plenty of times before, and it always ended up with me having scars, scraped, bruised, broken limbs, and swollen body parts. I have a small chunk taken out of my ear. It's in the back, so you would never really notice it.

"Well, at least I don't smoke more than several packs a day!" He yelled, and that wasn't wise. You never tell aunt Diana about her cigarettes. I heard her storm up the stairs and my heart went up in my throat. Please don't come in. I thought as I clenched my pillow tighter. The footsteps went across the hall and not towards my room, and I exhaled in relief.

I always knew when they were coming into my room. My room only had one way out, and that was the front door. Aunt Diana and Uncle Kevin had it locked shut, so I could never leave. They would always rattle the lock and I knew when they were coming in. They could really keep me in my room, and leave me to rot, and nobody could do anything to stop it.

I had no windows in my room. I used to though. But they had it boarded up and covered over with plaster before I moved into it. I couldn't of gotten out through that window, even if I tried. I wasn't fat, if your wondering, I was just too afraid. Aunt and uncle are just trying to keep my here, and I could really see that. I could hear it when they yelled it at me too.

Then I heard uncle Kevin across. I can really tell the difference between aunt and uncle's footsteps. Aunt Diana had a soft walk, as if she tip toes everywhere. While uncle had heavy footsteps that you could hear a mile away. He also drags his feet, so that's how I tell the difference.

I could feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier, I just believed that it was my killer headache. However, I haven't slept in four days. Uncle Kevin had had a rough week.

I rest my head into my pillow, the same one I had been cuddling moments before. I turned to face the crack wall, with peeling wall paper. I could feel myself being sucked out of reality, and into dreamland. I liked this place much better than the real world. It was calm, quiet and really friendly. Plus, I had created it in my very own mind.

Then I went into a deep slumber, and into a darkness. Surround by black, as if I was wearing a blindfold. Even though it wasn't a blindfold. It was my eyelids, and my mind playing those hundreds of little tricks on me.

I stayed in the darkness, just floating around until I became to tired to dream. Anything and everything around me, even the darkness....faded.


Sorry if the story went a little slow this chapter, I just needed y'all to see what her living conditions were. Things will get better in the next chapter!


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