48. Sold... Again.

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"Excuse me?" I asked, not believing what she said. She looked terrified. "We sold her." Diana repeated. I gritted my teeth and pointed my gun at her head. She jumped, and started crying. What a baby.

"Please don't shoot. Please..." She pleaded. I tilted the gun to the side, but didn't take it off her. She continued to sob. "Who did you sell her to?" I asked her.

She stopped crying for a moment. "I don't know." She croaked, beige she started crying again.

"What do you mean, you don't know?"

"I don't know!"

"So you just sold her to a random person?"


"I think your lying." I told her, then I shot her in the thigh. She feel down, and let out a loud scream when it connected to her body. She came down to the floor right next to Kevin. She was screaming, trying to make the blood to stop running out of her room.

I rolled my eyes. "I can fix that, but you have to tell me who you sold Miya to!" I yelled at her. Diana had so many tears running down her face, that the collar of her shirt was soaked.

"I don't know who it was! Honest!" She yelled at me. I kneeled down by her, and placed two fingers on her wound.
I pushed on it slightly. "Ow!" She screamed, then went back to crying.

"I'll push harder if you don't tell me what you know...." I trailed off, getting ready to push on her wound again. "Okay! Stop!" She yelled. I stood up, and wiped her blood in my shirt. "Okay, I'm waiting." I told her, putting my gun on the waistband of my pants.

"Okay, so the money you have us for Miya... Wasn't enough." She explained, and I nearly choked on my own saliva. "We gave you several thousand dollars!" I yelled in surprise. How can someone go through so much money?

"I know! You shouldn't of even give us that much. She isn't worth that..." She trailed off, and I got up and slapped her across the face. She gasped, and let out a whimper when I sat back down.

"Don't speak like that!" I yelled.

She nodded, then looked over at Josh, Alfesto, and Sean. They all glared at her, as she went on explaining her story. "We were in debt, and we have been for many months. So that money went to that. Leaving us with.... 42 cents left to spare. We needed more, so we found Miya, after three weeks, and sold her again." She paused for a minute and then continued.

"A user name. MacaroniPizza. Yes, it's a silly username, but they offered twice as much as you guys have us. We wouldn't have to worry money for a while. It was all good to us... Since Miya wasn't pus, and she's an adult...."

Sean laughed. "She's seventeen." He told her. I looked at Sean, and said "she's right, she turned 18 two months ago." I told him. Sean looked down, and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked at me and said, "well, now I feel stupid." Then he left.

I looked back at Diana. "Continue. I want to hear the rest of it."

She nodded, and she was still holding her thigh. "Josh, fix her thigh." I told him. He walked over and got to work while she kept talking.

"I sighed my name to the paper, and all I had to do was get her. Which was easy, since we found out you got shot. We went to the hospital, and there she was. Getting ready to leave your room. We simply just grabbed her.. And brought her back here......" She gasped, Josh was after pulling the bandage tight. Josh stepped away.

"Finish." I told her.

"Okay, so.... He came with a mask on, since he didn't want us to see his facial features. He knew you'd find out about her and us, so he kept his identity a secret. One of his men took her, and he left in a different car. Before we knew it, she was gone..... Again."

I sighed. "I'm glad you cooperated. Now, what website did you find MacaroniPizza on?"

She inhaled and exhaled deeply. "Sellasoul." She whispered. Sell-a-soul? What kind of website is that? I shook my head angrily, "how could you do something so selfish? She's your niece!" I yelled at her.

Diana looked at me and stared to cry. "Why do you care? She's just your property, nothing more."

I looked at her. "Miya is more than just property, she's my fiancée. So, I'd choose your words wisely before talking bad about her. She's is mine, and I don't like people talking badly about what's mine." I warned her, standing up in my chair.

"Wait where are you going?" She yelled out to me. I turned my head and looked at her. "I'm going to go find Miya. You know, the girl that you took for granted, and the one that I cared for." I said harshly. Why did I just tell Diana that I cared for Miya? Whatever, I didn't matter now.

"You can't, than her buyer will kill me and Kevin. He said if you ever took her, he'd kill us. Do you really want two peoples blood on your hands? Do you really want to live with that regret?" She questioned.

I smiled, and chuckled at her comment. "Two people?" I asked, "I killed thousands of people, do you really think I'd care if two people were thrown into the mix?"

She looked at my horrified, as I threw back my head and laughed. "If anything, I'd love to add two more people to the mix!"

She shook her head, and sober again as I walked away. Josh, and Alfesto had left the room first. But before I left I looked at Diana and Kevin who were now huddled in the corner. Their wounds taken care of.

"If you tell anyone about this, people will be told that you sold your niece. Which would actually give you lots of time in jail." I told them. Kevin shuddered. I paused for a minute and then spoke one last time. "About your comment earlier. Just so you know...." I paused before continuing.

"Miya is worth it."



How was that? Please let me know in the comments below who you think she's sold to, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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