12. Favour = Fight

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Should I even call it that? More like jail, a prison, my cell. Forever locked away and never to be seen by anyone I once knew. Then again, it was only my
Aunt and uncle, and they sold me as if
I was something on rack in a store. I was nothing to aunt and uncle. Nothing.

Does that make me nothing? Am I anything? God, I hated not knowing. But I also liked curiosity. But curiosity killed the cat. Uhhh, now I'm just arguing with myself. There's no use in doing that, neither side wins.

I stepped into the living room, no one was there to greet me. No one to see me, just nobody at all. Period.

I began carrying the bags up to my room. Making sure not to drop anything. Stealth. I didn't feel like dealing with anyone today, so I decided
To be super quiet. If that was possible.

Crept up the stairs and opened the door to my room. In the middle stood Luca and Sean. I froze. Mayen if I just back
Up slowly....

"Don't even think about it."

Too late... They saw me. I sighed and entered the room. Placing the bags in the floor I put my hands on my hips. "What do you boys want?" I asked them, trying to sound annoyed but j was unsuccessful.

"I just came with Luca, I'll take my leave." Sean spoke then headed for the door. Luca didn't even turn to
Face me, what got his panties in a bunch?

Before Sean left he spoke, "Luca's gotta ask ya a little something, if your wondering why he seems so annoyed." Then Sean left, without any other words.

I quickly turned my head to look at Luca, but he had already moved so close to me. I gasped. He was so close,
Which made me uncomfortable. I tried to back up, but he quickly slid his arm around my waist and kept me there.

"Luca.... Let go." I told him, but he didn't listen. "No." He spoke, then grabbed my hand, towing me to my
Bed. "Sit." He ordered. I did as he said,
And said down. When I did, he ran his fingers through his hair angrily.

"What is it Luca?" I asked, my voice was soft, but I didn't care. This guy can do whatever he wants, as long as it doesn't effect me in anyway. He sighed. "I need a favour."

I shook my head. "No, last time I did you a favour I fainted in front of many men." I told him, the slid off the bed and walked away.

"You shouldn't of done that."

After I heard his voice, I felt a force push against me. Within seconds he had grabbed my neck, the moved his hands to my wrists. He pinned me to the door. "Watch it, little girl. I am stronger and faster than you. Be really careful with your word choice." His voice was full of anger and frustration.

I rolled my eyes. "You don't scare me anymore, Luca. Just let me go."

That hit a nerve. And with that, he grabbed my shoulders and flung me down to the floor. My head hitting the floor. I could feel something warm on my forehead, then it ran down the side of my face. I raised a shaky hand and wiped.


"Luca.... You....." I started to say, but decided to stop right there to prevent any future bruises. "I'm what? Come on, your not afraid... Remember?" He had sarcasm in his voice and it was angering me, but I was too shaken up to yell at him. Maybe I was afraid of him.

I put my hands in front of me, as I lifted my body up. Planting my feet on the floor, and straightened my back. I wiped the blood off my face, still not looking at Luca. He still doesn't know that he had cut me.

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