55. The Sad Truth.

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"Marry me?" I exclaimed, jumping away from him. He looked too tired to even chase me, or get me back int eh bed. I didn't care, he wanted to MARRY me!!!!

"I know Miya, but it's for your safety." He explained. He rolled over to my side f the bed and hopped out. "Miya don't make such a big deal out of this...." He complained.

"No, I can't! I'll be in danger all the time. My friends, everybody I know. They'll all be in danger!" I yell. He walks towards me.

"Miya, you were in danger the second your aunt and uncle put a price tag on you. Don't be a drama queen." He says. I was fuming. "No, but all those people I know, everyone! They'll all be in danger!" I yell. He thinks for a moment. "Well, yes. But they will be protected." He reasons.

"I can't marry you, I just can't!" I yell. He corners me. There's no space between us. I try to push him away, but he pins my arms up over my head. "Miya! Listen for one god damn minute!" He yells. I continue to struggle. "It's for your safety, I'm doing it to protect you..." He explained angrily.

I began crying. "No! Marriage is supposed to be about love! Not because you fear that I'll get hurt." I sob. He thinks for a moment, then let's his lips connect with my neck. I gasp when he hits my soft spot.

I nibbled, and he bites. I feel like I'm going to explode, but then he stops to look at me. Resting his head on my forehead, he says. "Love is overrated. Just think about it as an act of kindness." He says. I almost agreed, but then I snapped back to reality.

"No, I will not marry you! I don't care what you say, or how you put it. It just won't happen." I tell him. He leans in closer, so our lips are barely apart. He chuckles.

"Say what you want, but this wedding is happening. You belonged to me, the second I paid for you. You have no say on what I choose to do with you. Are we clear?" He asked.

He was right. He did buy me. I was his, no matter how many times I had tried to fight it. But reality seems to sneak up  on you like that. Then BAM! It strikes, and your left with nothing but the horrible, sad truth.

"I said are we clear!?!?" He yelled louder the time, banging my hands up against the wall I was pressed up against. Another tear rolled down my cheek, as is shook my head. "Yes...." I choked out.

He smirked, the moves in closer, so our lips touched. My wrists were still pinned above my head, but he wasn't interesting in that. He was only interested in my lips. The kiss was slow and passionate at first, but he sped up. We both fought for dominance, because he is ALWAYS in control. But he won the battle, and I was submissive.

As he sped of the kiss, he kissing harder, and rougher. He whimpered, when he bit my bottom lip. He found my sweet spot, and I moaned. He must of liked that because he repeated his actions, getting another sound out of me.

When he pulled away, I was breathless. I looked up at him, and he was grinning like an idiot. I looked down, but he let go of my wrists and used his hands to tilt my chin. His beautiful, and mesmerizing green eyes were staring deep into my soul.

I placed my hand on his face, and caressed his cheek. He smiled. "I love your soft hands." He complimented. I blushed, and said. "I always loved your green eyes."

He froze for a minute, and regret crossed his face. I thought for a minute. What could he be regretting now? He leaned his head in my hand and said, "these eyes have seen so much terror and so much death. I don't know how you could love them."

I closed my eye, and rested my head up against the wall. "I don't know. Your eyes are a gate way to the soul. I just can't help to be fascinated by them." I said. He chuckled, the came closer to me.

If that was possible.

He picked me up bridal style, and carried me back over to the bed. We slid back into the bed, and I was resting on his chest. He seemed to like having me next to him. Maybe because he didn't want to me leave, or escape. Or maybe I was comfortable, like a pillow.

Whatever the reason, he always had me in his arms. If I wasn't so worried about our marriage, I would of said that it was nice.

I felt his shift uncomfortably. "Miya." He says in a low, gruff voice. "Luca?" I ask, worry tinted my voice. "I've been meaning to tell you something about.... Your past." He said quietly.

I looked at him completely confused. "Okay?" I say, squinting my eyes at him. He takes a deep breath, and says. "I've got some of my men to do some research on you, and I learned something about your parents." He said.

I widened my eyes. I sat up quickly and studied him carefully. "Please tell me you know what happened to them. It's been killing me six me forever." I tell him, gripping onto his shoulder. He didn't smile.

"I do know that you have been waiting to hear this, but it's not the news you want to hear." He says softly. I pause, and let go of him. "Why? What happened to them! Who did it? How...." Luca placed a finger to my lips and shushed me. "Too many questions." He states. I nod. "Just tell me." I say.

"Okay. It was ten years ago, which made me ten at the time, possibly eleven. Dad had taken me out to show me how the gang worked." He says, like he's thinking about the time period. I grasp his hand and bring in to my chest. "Go on." I tell him. He shakes his head. "I don't know what happened. The gun was faulty, or the trigger was loose. Dad It just...." He stops. "What!" I yell, waiting for him to finish. He looks at sadly and says...

"Dad and I  killed them."



So, Luca and his father was the people who killed Miya's parents. What happened? Continue reading to find out!

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