33. Luca is here.

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"What do you want now, Charlotte?" Becky complained, even though it was understandable. Charlotte had ordered three vanilla milkshakes....

For herself.

It was actually pretty funny, since Charlotte is the one always saying, "don't waste your money." And "save your cash for better things." Clearly tonight that advice didn't apply to her. Nope, it didn't matter.

We had already gone shopping. It was actually seven thirty at night, I was actually surprised that it was that late. The night when by so fast, it was unbelievable.

I smiled when Becky started talking about this guy she liked. His name was
Samuel, and he was nice to her. Which was good enough for me. A nice man was the right man. Not necessarily the one but you know what I mean.

I thought about guys myself then. The one never did come my way. My Prince Charming never saved me, nor did that special person that was supposed to sweep me off my feet.


He disappeared.

And he's never coming back.

I'll be alone forever.

I shook my head, and rested my head in my hands. Charlotte and Becky's head both shot up to look at me. "What's wrong, Miya?" They both asked at he same time.

I raised my head, and shook the thought away. "Nothing, I'm fine." I told them.

They nodded. I started thinking again. I actually zoned out so much  that I knocked over my chocolate milkshake and got it all over my white knitted sweater. "Oh, baby, let's go home and clean that up... Okay?" Charlotte spiel
And I nodded.

Shaking my head, we got into the act, and sped off towards the house. I couldn't wait to get out of these clothes and into some pyjamas. Could not wait!


We came to the house. It was dark outside, and by to mention cold. I hugged onto my white knitted sweater tighter. I closed my eyes as I stepped out of the car. It was even colder. I'll have to tell Becky to fix the heat in that car.

There wasn't much snow on the ground, but since I'm from California, Vancouver was cold to me.

I walked along the white pebble path, that was carefully designed by Becky. It was a great touch to the place, and I admired her taste.

I opened my eyes, and started my way up he path. Charlotte and Becky were ahead of me. They were very fast walkers, and for some reasons, I couldn't keep up.

I tried it pick up the pace. Then we made our way to the wooden patio. It was quiet, and I found that a little weird because it's usually busy around this time. People diffidently liked to drive at night.

When we came to the door, I pulled the house key put of my pocket, slowly putting it in the lock and turning it.

I opened the door and immediately took my sweater off and through it in the washer. I hope that shake comes out.

That's when I heard a small scream. Not too much  though. It was as if it had been cut off by something.

I turned around to see that Charlotte and Becky was gone. "Charlotte?!?!" I yelled out. No answer. I cupped my hands around my mouth, "Becky!?!?" I yelled, hoping that she would answer.

Neither one of them did. I just a stood there, completely in shock. Where could they have gone. I thought for a moment, and smiled. "Guys, this isn't funny. Come out." I told them.

They had to be hiding, just as some joke to get me all worked up. "Guys? You can come out now." I spoke. Still no response. I was really worried now.


I walked towards the door, and slowly poked my head out so I could see. No sign of Charlotte or Becky. I was so scared, I was so close to calling the police. But that's when I heard a loud thump on the wooden patio.

My head quickly sit over to the silhouette that had been standing in the corner.

"Um... Who are you?" My voice was shaky, as I backed up a little. The man chuckled, and the stepped towards me. "I'm your worst nightmare." He spoke, then came running towards me. I screamed and ran back in the house.

I tried to shut the door but the man was too quick. He busted right through the door, and I didn't even get a chance to close it all the way.

The man was now standing in the doorway. I shivered. "What do you want from me?" I asked, I could feel the tears stinging in my eyes.

"I want you." He spoke, then he stepped closer. I back away, further away. Until I was in the kitchen. Good, there was knives in the kitchen.

My back was pressed up against the counter. "Where are my friends?" I spoke, trying to stay strong, but it was very difficult. And it didn't help that I couldn't see his face.

He laughed. I've heard that laugh before. "They're safe." He spoke, then took one large step towards me. "Back away... And leave my house." I told him, my voice was firm.

He shook his head now, and continued to walk towards me. I quickly grabbed a knife, as went to point it at him, but he had already grabbed my wrist and pushed my up against the wall. He banged my hand up against the wall before I had no other choice but to let go of the knife.

"You don't know how mad you make me, Miya." He growled, his voice was low, full of anger but there was something else. I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Come on, don't you remember me?" He spoke, and I started thinking about all the people this could possibly be.

Was it Dante? Or was it a customer from work? Uh, what if it was.... The mailman? He's had the hots for Becky since we moved here. "I don't know." I shook, but the man had already pinned my hands to my sides. "You really don't remember me, do ya.... Babe." And with that last word I knew exactly who it was. I couldn't see the mans face but I spoke directly to him.



Luca finally found her. After three long months too. How will everyone act? What will happen between Miya and the gang? Between Miya and Luca? Continue reading to find out!

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