43. Sneaking out.

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Two days.

It had been two days since I had last heard about Luca. The nurse said that she'll call us if anything happen. Clearly he isn't getting better, or the nurse just forgot about us all together.

I can't live like this. In constant worry. Unsure of what happens next, and not prepared if anything does happen. Which men as I have to prevent anything bad happens. Before it damages everyone else, and kills me.

It was 6:14 pm exactly. It was dark outside, since it was December 8th. It actually didn't surprised me that nobody had Christmas decorations up. They were Mafia men, which men's they probably didn't celebrate those holidays. My aunt and uncle never let me take part in the festive holidays either, but I do remember celebration it with my parents.

How I wish things were different. I wish my parents were still alive, and that they hadn't had died. things would of been simpler, easier.... Not as complicated. Everything could of just been normal. But I wasn't normal which meant my life wasn't going to be either.

I sighed. I need to see him. I can't go another day without him. I just can't! So that's what I'll do. I will see him tonight, and I'll leave. I'll leave a note for the boys telling them where I went. That way, they won't feel like I tried to escape them.... Again.

I grabbed a piece of scrap paper, and an ink joy pen. Scribbling on the paper, trying hurry with my note. My note to the boys read:

Don't think that I ran away again. Please don't panic. I'm just down at the hospital visiting Luca. You can even come down here and take a look and see. You can trust me guys. Love, Miya.

I planted he note in plain site and walked into the bathroom. I actually just noticed a small ledge outside the window. One I could step on and make it safely to the ground.

I climbed out of the window and fear washed over my body. That's when I heard my fathers voice in my head. Don't be afraid baby girl, you'll be fine. Daddy will always be here to protect you... I promise.

I inhaled heavily, and made my way across. Powering through, not letting fear complete consume me and take over. Can't let fear win, can't let it beat me.

Then, before I knew it, I was on the ground. My feet touching the freshly cut grass. I couldn't help it, but I loved the smell.

I ran across the yard, making gym way to the streets. I had actually took Sean's car keys when he hugged me in the hospital. That sounded evil I know, but they took Josh's car, so everyone made it home.

I found Sean's car after five minutes of searching. Sitting in the drivers seat, I popped in the key, and started the engine. I smiled. Time to go see Luca. Then I left. As I left and got out on the streets. My mothers voice came into my head. Go for anything you want honey, that way, you can achieve any goal that you set for yourself.

I liked thinking about my parents. However, it brought a great pain whenever I did. You would think that I would remember them, every detail, every word they ever said.

But I don't.

Their faces leaving my mind. I actually have to strain to remember their appearances. Their voices were slowly fading. Some times, I don't even know who's voice keeps entering my head. But I can sort of tell that it's them. Soon, I'll have them forgotten. As painful as it is, I find it hard to even remember a simple thing we did together. They are leaving my mind, but they will never leave my heart. I just wish I had more things to remember them by.

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