38. Feelings.

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Please read this chapter. I know it's short but it's really important. Also, we had a small problem here with my story. I had this chapter already written plus three other chapters, but I had re write it due to some problems. Sorry for the slow update.




I walked upstairs to meet Luca, he had asked me to come in five minutes. I didn't want to suffer the consequences if I didn't meet him there in time.

Mike had already left to go meet Damatroz, and now I was heading in the bedroom. I walked in and saw Luca. He was leaned up against the bed, fiddling with his phone. The door was open, so I decided to reach my hand in and knock on the already open door.

His head shot up and he put his phone back into his pocket. He tilted his head. "Come here." his voice was emotionless. Not wanted to anger him anymore, I walked over to him. He grinned.

Then his grin faded. "What do you want, Luca" I asked. He crossed his arms, and breathed heavily. "I don't want you seeing Mike anymore." said flatly. I widened my eyes. "Why not?" I asked, completely shocked by his demand.

He sighed. He was angry and he was trying to keep his cool. "Because I didn't know where you were for two whole hours!" He yelled, jumped due to the loudness of his voice.

I shook my head, and glared at him. "So, you have to get used to it! I like hanging with Mike!" I yelled back at him. He nodded in frustration. "So, my fiancée is going out with another man... wow, that's very low, Miya." he was mad.

"Excuse me? Wasn't you that went out with Roxie, while your fiancée sat at home, wondering when you were coming home?"

"So? It was different back then. I had my reasons, while you don't."

"What were your reasons, huh? That it was right? That we weren't together? Well, I know that! Do you not like me? And I that unlikable?"

"No! I never said from were unlikable, but Miya you left for three months. Three' it wasn't just me who didn't care about this so called us!"

I shook my head angrily. "I left for three god damn months because I was tired of the pain, the constant sadness, me continuously questioning myself because of you! I couldn't do it anymore Luca! I can't do the to myself."

"So this is my fault?"

"I never said that!"

"Miya, do you know what I did while you were gone. I went through so many men, got hurt, and stayed up so many nights just because I thought I had a chance to find you. Do you even know what that's like? No, you don't. You only know how to run Miya, you never stand and fight."

I gasped. "I stand and fight every day of my life. I stand my ground, I pick up for myself, and I do know what it's like Luca. Do you really think I could put you out of my mind when I was away? Being away from you nearly killed me! I low what it's like, Luca... But I'm not sure you do.

Luca closed his eyes and went to say something. But he stopped. "It killed you?" He asked, sounding amused. I froze, then nodded. "It did. Too bad you never felt that way. I was just a burden wasn't I? Is that what you though....." I trailed of, and Luca slammed his hands up against there wall.

"You think I didn't miss you? I went through so much... Too much. Way to much that I shouldn't of. I have this feeling deep down inside of me. It tells me to protect you, makes me want to hold you, makes me want to hear up any guy that comes near you. Why? I don't know. I different around you, and I hate myself for it."

He ran his fingers through his hair. I was speechless. He stormed off. Heading out towards the door. "Luca! Wait..." But he was already gone, and he slammed the door behind him.

He had just spilled his heart out, well, sort off. I felt bad. I had told him he didn't know how I felt, but in reality..

He did.

I felt so bad too, and I don't know how to fix this either. I sat down on the bed and closed my eyes.

Hopefully things will get better. Things will get better. There will eventually be smooth sailing here, but I honestly don't know when.

Luca will settle down eventually. He'll figure it out. Then I'll figure out, and WE will figure it out. Together, hopefully.

I don't know how to deal with these feelings.

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