63. Finale!

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9 months after

"Oh my god! It hurts Luca! It hurts!" I scream, and I feel another contraction. It hurts. It hurts so bad.

"I don't know how your doing this, babe. But your doing great." He tries to soothe me... But it doesn't work. The pain just increases.

"Oh my god LUCAAAAAAAAA!" Then that followed with some crying. One baby had come... And I was so blessed. That's when I felt another contraction. Here comes number two.

After a little while

"Oh my god, they are adorable!" I say as I hold the baby girl. The youngest. Luca stands, rocking his little boy. He looked so proud. I smiled, and fed the little girl.

"Do you have any names picked out?" This came from Al who had just recently entered the room. Behind him was Sean, Josh, Damatroz, Charlotte, Eleanor, and Jackie. They all widened they're eyes when they saw the two kids.

"Miya... Luca... They're beautiful." Charlotte said, as she whipped her hair out of her face to get a better look. She smiled and I watched her eyes fill up with tear.

"Yes we do have names picked out." This was from Luca, who had looked up from our baby boy. "Well, what are they?" Sean asked.

"The little boy's name is Lucas." He says. Al smiles, " I kind of figured you'd name your son that." He says. Luca smiles, then looked down at me. I breath heavily, trying not to cry.

"The little girls name is Becky. After the woman who saved my life." I tell them.

Everyone gasps, and covers they're mouth. "She's beautiful." Josh says, as he picks her up from my arms, and holds her as if she's going to break any second.

"Becky would of loved her." Charlotte says, the Eleanor wipes a tear. Al hugs Eleanor. "Lucas and Becky Colt. It fits them so well. They are going to be very happy here." Jackie says.

"You know, Becky looks just like you Miya." Sean says, as eh looks over Josh's shoulder. "Yeah, and Lucas looks like Luca. One hundred and ten percent just like Luca." I tell them. They all laugh.

"And he's going to be a little trouble maker like the fella too. Luca was a wild little kid." Damatroz adds. This makes me laugh... And there's no way I could hold it in.

Luca looks down at me and smirks. "They are beautiful babe. Thank you." I couldn't help but smile. I was meant to be with Luca.

It was fate.

It was destiny.

It was written in the stars.

WE were meant to happen, and nobody can tell me other wise. It's just how the world works. It wasn't a fluke... Or just dumb luck.

This is my husband, my friends, my kids... It's my life. I might not of chose it, but it couldn't of been any better.

I remember someone from Luca's team came up to me and said:

"Do you mean for all of this to happen? Or was it just an accident?"

I shook my head no, and placed my hand on her shoulder. I laughed, and said:

"No, it wasn't an accident and it wasn't something I planned."

She looked confused. And said:

"Well what's the answer then? Are you going to tell me?"

I nodded, and said:

"It was a surprise."

She looked at me as f I had three heads and sixty arms.

"What's the difference.?"

I smiled and explained:

"A accident is somethings is that you regret, and something you would change if you could. A surprise us something that if you had to do it all over again, you'd do it the exact same way, and not change a thing."

He looked me up and down and smiled.  She walked away without another word. This was fantastic.

I looked back up at Luca, and told myself that I couldn't of gotten with a better man. He was my soulmate. This was the perfect ending for me. And it all started with me being...

Sold to a gang leader.


The end! I hope you liked the ending let me know what you think. I MIGHT do a bonus chapter, but I don't knelt yet.

I hope you enjoyed the story, and this is had been fun writing. Thanks for reading this far and for all the support.

And please... Read my next story! It will be out soon!

Spread the love.



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