30. Sperate lives.

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This chapter takes place three months after Miya left Luca. She has been gone and had started her new life. Luca now has started his life without her. Let's see out each of their stories unfold, and hey, maybe their stories and lives will intertwine once again!



Three months later.....


Meep... Meep.... Meep. My alarm was going crazy, and I was in bed with pillows on top of my head. I stretched out and pushed the off button on the alarm, and yawned.

I turned my body so my feet could dangle over the side of the bed. I stood and let my feet touch the soft, pink carpet. Pink isn't my usual go-to colour, but it had a really nice feeling and I just had to have it.... You know?

I slipped on some warm clothing, since it was December 4th and all. I put on a red sweater with thick black leggings. Brushing my hair, brushing my teeth, putting on a light shade of lipstick. I had to go back to work.

I walked out of the room to see Becky setting plates on the table. I had an half hour before I have to be a work. It's a fifteen minute drive.

"Hey sleepyhead! So you finally decided to join me?" she joked, sliding a few pancakes on the plates she had recently put n the table. "I smelt breakfast." I told her, she laughed. I pulled the chair out and sat down while Becky poured some juice. "Thanks Becky." I spoke, she nodded, "Your welcome."

Becky had been my room mate ever since I got this place. Which means we've been best friends for three whole months. It's nice having someone around, knowing I can talk to her no matter what I need to discuss. It was great.

Becky was short girl with black hair and blonde streaks going through it. Her eyes were blue, and she had freckled on one cheek. It made her unique and I loved them. She has a sweet voice and her hair is always done up in a bun.

"Geez Becky, these are good." I exclaimed, she was an amazing cook. Becky laughed, "I burnt them." she answered. Okay, so maybe I over reacted with the term 'amazing.' But she's pretty good.

After I finished, I looked up at the clock. "I have to go." I told her, she nodded. "Ill drive you, no need to take the bus." she spoke. I looked at her. "Don't you gave work today?" she smile. "Nope, told the boss man to go dig a hole and stay there. So now I'm looking for a new one." Yep, she did have quite a temper, but she was usually sweet.

We both got up and I put the dishes in the sink. We both left the place and Becky drove me to work. She was singing "single ladies" the entire way. It was actually kind of funny since she would tap me every so often to sing with her.

"Miya you have an amazing voice, sing with me!" she would say, but I would just say. "I'll pass." She would roll her eyes and keep singing as if nothing ever happened.

When I got to work, Becky drove off searching for another job. Here I was at the diner downtown, my job as a waiter. I liked it. I enjoyed being a waiter, but I feel like I could be something more. However, a waiter will do.

I walk in, and tie on my apron. Walking behind the counter waiting for my boss, Lori to tell me what table to go to. Then my other friend Charlotte came in, with her hair in a loose braid. "Miya! What are you at, baby?" she spoke, Charlotte calls everyone baby, its her thing.

She told me Lori wasn't in today, so it was just me and her running the diner. I nodded, I didn't like Lori all that much anyway. She was too stuck up and didn't allow any fun. So, in other words, she was boring.

Then people started coming in. I was taking order, the chef was cooking them all up, and Charlotte was giving people their food. It was a really busy morning. A hour later things did cool down, and there was nothing more than one or two people coming in for a cup of coffee.

At this time, it usually gave me plenty of room to think. Normally about Becky, or the bills. But my mind does think about other things. Like, sometimes I catch myself thinking about Luca and his gang. I wonder how they turned out? I normally try to shake the thought off, but its kind of hard.

What did happen to them?



"Tell me what you know!" Sean yelled in the mans face. The man's name was Barry, and he had information. Information that we needed. "Barry! Answer me, and I'll make your death quick." I told him, walking out of the darkness, and into his view.

Barry's nose was broken, and was oozing dark blood. His lips was split open. His left eye was swollen shut, and he had several bruises and cuts elsewhere. Which came from several beatings we had given him so he would talk.

But he just wouldn't speak!

"No, I'm not telling you! Jayden would kill me!" he yelled, trying to hide his feelings, but I could see the fear in his eyes.

"Well, we are going to kill you anyway. Why does it matter?" I asked him, gripping onto my gun tighter. "I can't! He wants it to! He wants it!" Barry exclaimed. I hit him in the forehead with the back of my gun. He yelped in pain. "She is not an it! Don't you disrespect her, don't you even think about it!" I yelled.

He shook his head, "sorry if I angered you about your girlfriend...." I punched him this time. "Get this through your head, she is my fiancée! And I will not lose her not like this!" I yelled, punching a hole in the wall.

"Luca, calm down a little, we will find Miya." Sean spoke, and I glared at him. "I know we will. And when I do, I will never let her go, never. I'm not losing her to Jayden." I told. Sean then patted me on the shoulder, "I know you wont." the he left the room, leaving me alone with this piece of trash.

I closed my eyes, and thought about something that could hurt Barry. Then it came to me.... his wife.

"Tell me where Miya is, or I'll kill your wife." I spoke flatly, and Barry gasped. "No, you couldn't! You wouldn't!" he yelled, a tear rolled down his cheek. "Oh, I would. Tell me where she is, now!" I yelled in his face.

The man groaned and sighed. "She's in Canada." he spoke. I widened my eyes, wow, she is diffidently smart. "What else?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest. "She's in Vancouver, working at a small diner called "Lori's dainty diner." She's there, I swear" Barry.

"Now please...." Barry whispered, "....Don't touch my wife, I love her and....." but he was unable to finish, since I had already shot him right between the eyes. I won't hurt his wife, I'm not that kind of person, but now I know where Miya is.

"Sean!" I yelled out Sean came into the room and took one look at the man before looking back at me. "You got the location." he asked. I nodded. "Next stop..."




Hope this chapter was good. Will Luca finally catch Miya? Or will she have other plans? What other questions lurk in the next chapter?

Be sure to comment and vote, it is appreciated.

<3 ;)


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