5. Sorrow

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I ran up into my room, it and slammed the door shut. It wasn't locked, so anyone could of walked in. I wish I was able to lock it though, but only the boys can do something like that.

I ran over to my bed, and crashed into it. Covering my self up as if I was a little taco. I pressed my face into the soft, white pillow and.....cried.

I hated being here, I hated being trapped. I was miserable. I could just feel the sorrow dripping from my body because this is the saddest I've ever been yet. I think I am still in shock. From being traded and all. I mean, they BOUGHT me. They can pretty much do whatever they want to me. With scared me so much I could faint.

I grip the pillow that I'm sobbing into, and I curb up really close to it. I feel so unsafe. There's nothing anyone can do to make me feel better right now. I know I've only been here for hour, I feel like I've been here for days. That's how lonely I am.  Then, more tears start running down my cheeks.

I pull the blankets up over my head and look over at my clock. 8:34pm. That's late enough, this day can't get any worse. I turn in and flick of the lamp that was on, next to my bed. I cried myself to sleep.



I watched Miya Ling storm up the stairs, pretty close to tears. She just spilled her story out to everyone out the table, just to prove a point. Since she wanted to save the young maid. Now, that was bravery.

I felt like I could of got Sean to stop his behaviour, I am his boss. However, it was not my problem to fix, or my conversation to but into. Plus, she put on quite a show. She could of been beaten herself for that stunt, but she showed no regret in her decision to help the maid in distress.

After supper, I decided to go up and check in the newly added member. I slowly opened the door, so she wouldn't know that I entered. She was crying. Clutching her pillow tightly to her face, and her blankets wrapped around her. For someone so tough, she sure did her fair share of crying.

I stood there for a moment, and she finally turned in. She never noticed me there, but she turned off her lamp and cried. She was trying to sleep, I could see that. However, she looked miserable. That's not my problem.

Maybe her aunt and uncle should of been more careful with their money. And she should of ran away when she had the chance.



I woke up, and my head was pounding. My cheeks were swollen from the tears, and the pillow I was once clutched onto was soaked. I ran a finger through my hair to push it out of my dark eyes. I could feel the heaviness of my eyelids, but I honestly couldn't care less.

I sat up, even though I immediately regretted it. There was a rush of pain that was worse and was overpowering my already pounding head. I moaned and then turned my body so I could let my feet dangle over the side of the bed. I closed my eyes and inhaled. I really didn't want to get up, but I was actually afraid that if I didn't get up, one of the gang members would most likely drag me out of bed. My head already hurts enough, I don't need any newly added pain to be added to an already hurtful day.

I glanced over at the small digital claim that displayed bright green numbers. 8:26am. Almost twelve hours of sleeping. I guess that I forgot how tired I actually was. I finally found the strength and the courage to stand. I walked over to my dresser. I didn't bring any of my old clothes, so I was stuck with whatever is in these drawers.

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