29. Where are you?

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"Okay passengers, the plane is about to take off, please stay seated, and enjoy the rest of your flight. Thank you." Spoke the captain of the plane. I smiled..... I made it.

I rested my head on the seat and my arms on the rests. I felt the plane move, and before I knew it, we were in the air. Bye Luca.

I was trying to keep my mind off of him. So, I starting thinking about other things. Like my birthday. That was a month from is. October 3rd, AKA my birthday.

I closed my eyes, and planned on going to sleep. I could feel my tiredness overcome me, and sleep drifted me away to a far away land. I will wake wen the plane lands.... And the I will be many miles away from... Him.

Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver. I'm so excited to go there, it sounds so nice. I was leaving reality, and I was pulled into a dream.


I was walking the roads of a strange, but new place. I was wearing a fur coat and thick leggings. Walking the streets.... Alone.

I continued walking until I came to a dark alley way. I could feel the fear wash over me, as I walked deeper and deeper into the darker unknown.

"Hello?" My voice was shaky and it echoed on the brick walls, traveling all the way through the empty alley. Gripping onto the sides of my coat, I continued to move silently down through the alley.

Then I felt someone watching me. I was being followed, or I walked right into a trap. I closed my eyes waiting for someone to jump out or grab me, but it never happened.

I exhaled in relief and moved through, dodging broken glass and nails that had fallen from the rusted sign above.

I was almost at the end. I could see the light, and I valued it as if it was heaven. I kept moving, until I felt a large hand come down on my shoulder. 

"Where do you think your going?" Said the voice. I whipped around to see Luca Colt. My boss. My owner. I sighed. "I'm leaving you, Luca." I told him. His eyes flickered with anger.

"You cannot run from me, babe. I am everywhere." He told me. He wrapped a hand around my wrist and pulled my back into the darkness. I was trying to wriggle free.

I ended up stomping on his foot, and he hissed in pain. I ran towards the light. The light at the end of my tunnel. It felt like I was endlessly running though, as if I was staying in the same place.

Then I felt someone arms snake around my waist. I turned around to see Luca glaring at me. "Why are you running? You belong with me." he spoke, then through me over his shoulder. "Luca! Stop, let me go!" I was yelling, pounding on his back.

I was getting further and further away until my light was only the side of a speck. Then it was gone. Luca had pulled me into him darkness. "You can not escae me, I will find you Miya." His voice echoed in my head.

"I will find you."

*End of dream*

I snapped awake to the sound of t loud speaker going off. "Okay, we are now landing." it spoke, and I felt relieved. I was away for good, and I actually felt pretty good.

When we landed I was one of the first ones off the plan. I didn't have any luggage, so it didn't take very long to get out of the airport, and out on the streets. It was colder from where Luca's from. (Luca lives in California, USA)

I folded my arms over my chest. I had one thousand dollars left. That ticket costed a lot, I even got a thirty dollar discount since it was my first time flying. That's a lot of money.

I walked around and entered the city. I need an apartment, food, a job.... It was eight in the morning, and I was tired..

I'll go find a job.



"Find her!" I yelled on the phone, then clicked off. Sean was really getting on my nerves with his endless, and annoying jokes. I threw the phone across the room and headed to bed. I can't find her now. I'll search her in Italy for a while.

Then 'll go back and check California. She possible went back there, and tried to throw me off by leaving me here in Italy. Maybe that's why I can't find her here in Italy. Did she already leave.

It was eight twenty in the morning, and Miya left later last night. She possibly got on a plan back to California.... I'll get Josh to check, and I'll go back to California tomorrow, there's no way she stayed her, I'm not stupid.

I leaned up against the wall, I had a nasty headache . I closed my eyes and chewed some aspirin. I rested my head on my hands the walked over to the couch.

Plopping down on the couch, I thought about where she could of gone and why. I hadn't slept a wink last night, and I was exhausted... Maybe just a little nap.

*Luca's dream*

"Miya! Where are you! Miya!" I was singing out to absolutely nothing. It was a dark room, and I was completely surround by darkness.

I cupped my mouth with my hands, and continued to sing out out her name. "Miya! Miya! Where are you!"

I was yelling out to her but I couldn't see her. But then something caught me off guard.

A light.

A bright light. It was falling from the sky. I ran towards it, trying to make sure it didn't fall and hurt its self. Running, running, and running until I was directly under the light.

When it was finally in my grasp, I held it in my hands. The white light then changed shape, and formed a woman. Not just any woman.....


I was holding her tightly to my body, making sure I didn't let her go. I didn't want to lose her again. "Baby, tell me where you are." I whispered in her ear, and her eyes flickered open. She reached up and brought her finger to my lips, telling me to shush. "I'm far away, Luca. It's like hide and go seek, except we get to play with the whole world as our playground. I'll miss you." She spoke, and then she was gone, and I was left in the darkness. I sighed and spoke into the room of nothing.

"Where are you?"



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