18. Talk with Luca

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"Excuse me?" I asked him, sounded a little offended. Did he really think I would stay in this room with him. If he thinks that, then he's crazy, there's no way that will happen.

"You heard me, your moving in this room, and you can't leave it unless you get my permission." He spoke as if he was my boss and I was his employee. "Um, you don't get to just make those decisions. Have you ever thought about how I feel about this?" I laid out there on the table, and he just smirked at my comment.

"Who knew you were so confident?" He laughed, then took a step closer to me. "Yeah? Well, I like being confident." I told him, sticking my nose up in the air. I heard his chuckle. "I can remove that 'confidence' in the matter of seconds." his voice was gruff.

I turned to face him, but he was right there next to me. His arms snaked across my hips, and he pulled my body close to his. He was really warm, and I felt so comfortable in his arms. He nipped the top of my ear and I whimpered. I heard a soft laugh, and then he let my ear go. He turned me around to face him. He brought his eyes down to my level. "Not so confident now, huh?"

I shuddered, and Luca bent down. "What are you doing?" my voice was right squeaky. I felt Luca's hand rise to my upper back, and another arm under my legs. "Luca?" I sounded like Minnie Mouse. Then my body raised off the ground, and Luca had me in his arms. Carrying me bridal style, Luca placed me on the left side of the bed.

"Luca? what do you think your doing now?!" I scolded, trying to get out of the bed. However, Luca had held me down, and covered me up the big, black, blankets. It was so cozy, I didn't want to move. Ever.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I felt the blankets rise on the other side, and Luca slid in on the other side. "I am not staying in the same bed with you." I told him, sounding serious. Luca just pulled me closer to him, and nestled right close. "Why? You've already done it before." He pointed out, "twice."

I growled at his comment, and he just chuckled. Then he stiffened. "You know it's warm in here, I'm not that comfortable." He tells me, then his arms loosen around my waist. He sits up in the bed, and I roll around to face him. Only to see that he's...


"Luca, put your clothes back on." I tell him, but he flings his shirt all the way across the room. "My room, my rules." he points out, and I roll my eyes. "C'mon babe, you know you like it." he flirts, then pulls my body close to him. Now, there was no room between him and I.

"Don't move, don't dare try to get away from me. You'll regret it if you do." He warned, and I shivered. I felt his body shift against mine. "Cold?" He asked. Maybe. I didn't answer, but he didn't need one. He wrapped his muscular arms around me, and I felt extremely comfortable. Not to mention warm.

"Your so warm, Miya." He spoke, his voice was gruff. I answered with a small moan, which probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, but i was too darn comfortable to care.

"Just think, we get to do this every night now." He pointed out. I opened one eye and looked up at him. "Every night?" I asked wearily. He nodded his head and I pressed my head on his chest.

"Every night."


I woke up to find myself hugged into Luca's body. He had one arm around my waist and the other behind his head. I had one hand on his chest along with my head.

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