24. Cheater

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Play this song during the sad moments between Luca and Miya.

So, this is Roxie? I expected someone a lot taller, and a little more.... Natural. She had so many extensions, she had about twenty layers of makeup, a designers dress, and she had perfectly tanned legs. Like I said, a walking Barbie doll.

"Miss me, sugar?" She sounded like the mean old step mother from Cinderella. "Get out Roxie." Luca's voice was cold, harsh, and poisonous. She looked shocked at first, but then wiped her look off and replaced it with a smile.

"Come one just one. Before I leave?" She was practically whining, for 'one.' How annoying. Roxie swayed over, rocking her hips back and forth. When she reached Luca, he didn't even flinch.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and..... Oh god. She.... She..... Oh dear god.

I closed my eyes tightly when I saw her
Lips connect with his. I wanted to vomit, just puke everything I ate tonight. Then he brought his hands
To her waist..... Ew.


Just..... Gross.

When she pulled away she ran a finger over his cheek. "I really missed you, baby." She spoke, and he gave her Peck on the lips. I walked away from them and went into the guest room.

"Who is she?" I heard Roxie ask, and Luca said...... "Nobody important."

I could feel tears stinging in my eyes, there is no way I'm forgiving him. He's lost me now. But when did he ever have me? God, I sound like a jealous girlfriend.

I lid down on the bed, and covered myself up. He can sleep by himself. The door opened. "Miya, you sleeping in here?" Luca asked. I didn't even look at him. "Yes." I spoke flatly.

He sighed. "Okay, that means Roxie can sleep in my bed.... With me." Then he shut the door.

As soon as I heard the door close behind I broke down. I cried, and cried. Feeling the tears stream down my face. He cheated on me. Even though we aren't really together, we are engaged. That's a form of cheating, right?

I pulled out a pair of Pyjamas and a tank top. I ripped off my other clothes and slowly slipped on my bedtime outfit. Pulling the blankets up over I started thinking.

Do I mean nothing to him? It hou gut he was getting better, it was a dream. Nothing more than a stupid little dream that was torn to shreds by him. My dreams turn to nightmares. Uh, and I thought I was a dreamer.

Then he went and destroyed it. I knew he didn't really have feelings for me. I knew that he wasn't ever going to be my prince. My knight in shining armour. No, Luca is the dragon. The dragon that had me locked away in the first place.

I continued to cry, and ask myself why I cared so much. Why did I care that he's seeing someone else. Did I like the attention? Did I like the way he looked at me? Did I like him? No, there is no way I'd fall in love with someone like Luca.

No way.

I felt my self drift away as the pain the was pounding in my chest increased. Sleeping. Was the only thing that could stop the agonizing pain. The pain of my heart slowly, breaking. My slowly heart was breaking down. I knew it would happen eventually just not today.

What a great way to end my engagement night, right?


I lid in bed with Roxie on my arm, just like she used to. Me and Roxie were never a thing. It was just friends wth benefits. She knew that I knew that. Even though she would always hint for something more, like a relationship.

I don't do relationships.

I rested my head, but instantly tensed when I heard a low, but soft whimper. Someone was upset.... And it wasn't me not Roxie.


My Miss Miya Ling. I managed to get out of the bed wth out disturbing Roxie. I walked through the penthouse and into the guest room. Miya was asleep, but her cheeks were streaked with tears. Her eyes were red and puffy, while her cheeks were swollen from the all the crying.

She had cried herself to sleep.

I felt regret. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. It was a wake up call. She was my fiancée now, which sort of means I just cheated on her. Damn, she must of felt horrible.

How can I gave her tomorrow?

I tucked her hair behind her ear and adjusted the blankets so they would cover her better. She moved slightly in he bed, getting comfortable. Her soft breath told me that she was still asleep and that I hadn't woken her. He clutched onto her pillow and pressed her face to it.

She was hurting.

I closed my eyes. Yep, she one hundred percent hurting..... And I was the cause of it. I shook my head to get rid of my thoughts, but you can't really escape your own mind.

Then it clicked. Why did I care that she was hurting. Why did that bother me? Opening my eyes I watched her sleep. She was really making this difficult. This thing between us was difficult.

But Roxie is out there in my bed. In Miya's bed. In our bed. I am engaged to this woman and I choice another one over her. That had to hurt. I can't say I know what that feels like since I'm the one women normally choice. But it has to be heartbreaking.

I shook my head as I excited the room. I walked towards the kitchen and poured myself a drink. I really need it. I can't go to bed thinking about my mistakes.

I sighed, and thought about her face expression when she saw Roxie and I kissing. She thought I didn't see it, but my eyes were wide open, and I could see everything that went across her face. Regret flickered in her eyes, sadness covered her face, and sorrow laced through her soft, and quiet breaths.

I ruined it all, but why would i care? Why would she care? Was there something wrong, was it a woman's thing? I never understand, until it suddenly clicked it my mind.

She was jealous.

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