41. Hospital

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Luca's body came crumbling down to the floor. I had caught his head and kneeled down with him. I had never seen Luca so vulnerable. This was all my fault. "Luca! No, stay with me. You can't leave, no you just can't..." I was sobbing.

I could feel a small grip on my hand. Luca's hand was intertwined with mine. He didn't open his eyes, but I knew he was trying to comfort me. Even though he shouldn't be, I should be comforting him.

"Luca, don't go to sleep. You have to stay awake. I will be here. I will be here." I repeated that last sentence over and over. That's when I heard footsteps.

"Luca!" I heard a familiar voice. I watched Jack run away down the hall. He was gone in the matter of seconds. "Sean! You have to save him, you just have to!" I was crying, crying so hard hat I felt like I could pass out. Then we had to bring him to the hospital.


Luca's hand was still in mine when we brought him to the hospital. The doctors had took him away from me, and asked us to wait outside just in case something really nasty happened.

Luca was in ICU, which was terrible. I couldn't stop my crying, but I managed to tone them down a bit. They were now sobs and sniffs. I couldn't control myself.

Knowing that he could die at any moment was scary. I can't lose Luca. Not like this. Not without telling him how I truly feel about him. He had already told me about his feelings, and I never got a chance to say mine. He needs to know. I would never forgive my self if I let him go without knowing what I thought of him. He needs to know.

I paced back and forth, and it felt like hours, well until Josh spoke up. "Stop pacing Miya, your making this more nerve wrecking than it needs to be."

I stopped, and wiped a tear off my cheek. I slowly walked over to a chair that was all alone. I sat there, which just so happened to be directly across from the boys.

They were staring at me, all three of them. I wiped my nose, and looked in the mirror that was right next to me. Not noticing anything unusual I looked back at the boys. "Is there something in my face?"

The boys never said a word, which made me even more nervous. They just looked at Mac as if I head two heads. After a good twenty minutes of them just creepily staring at me, I cracked.

"What the hell are you guys doing!" I yelled at them. Josh cracked his knuckles. "What do you think?" I crossed my arms over my check and crossed my legs angrily. "Well, knock it off because I don't like it." I told them.

Sean snorted. "We didn't like it when you ran away from us either, but you did that, didn't you?"

I rolled my eyes. "My god, your still on that. Let it go." I told them. Josh leaned in and rested his arms on his knees. "Well, I don't like ding locked in a safe room, but you didn't care... Right? You just left me there, for one of the boys to come back and let me out." He said, I could hear the frustration in his voice.

"Well, I didn't like it either. Did you ever think about that? You locked me in there first, so I just gave you what you gave me." I shot at him. He leaned back in his chair, and looked at Al.

Sean looked at Al.

Al looked at me.

"And this is the first time I've heard you speak since the day you left. Did you know that?" Al's voice was laced with anger, but I could see the pain in his eyes. The pain I had caused.

"Listen, Al I...." I tried to speak, but he waved his hand, signalling me to stop. "Did you know what went through my mind when you left? I though a part of it was my fault, that I had somehow pushed you to leave. Maybe I was doing enough, maybe I was a little too attached to something Luca bought. But, no. It wasn't my fault. I finally realized that, and I want to know why. And I will find out one day." Al spoke.

"Al, listen. I didn't want to hurt you. I really didn't. I just couldn't stand staying there. One minute I felt like I was finally a friend not a foe. Then something would happen and I will like nothing but a prisoner. Who can live like that? Then you finally came, and I felt like I had somebody I could talk to." I was on the verge of crying.

But I held back my tears.

"Then, some things went on. Some things I could not handle. I felt like falling apart. That's what pushed me over the edge. I didn't even talus how much I hurt you guys, and I regret it. I don't like living with regrets, because regrets are something you carry for the rest of your life. Well, until you can learn to fix them. But that's a hard lesson to learn."

I whispered the last part.

"I though about you guys everyday you know. Hoping that that you guys were okay, even though I knew you would be. I wanted you to forget me, and just put me behind you." I shook my head, as tears slid down my cheeks.

I looked up at them, and all three men were stood up. They had sympathy in there's eyes. Not pity. I hated pity.

I stood and rubbed my arms, that now had goosebumps spread all over them. They stepped closer, and I kept my eyes locked on Al's. I sniffed, and spoke one last sentence.

"You should of forgotten me."

At that, the men walked over and gave me a hug. I practically cried in Al's but he didn't care. He just held onto me as if it was the last time he ever would. Sean and Josh had already sat back down. "I'm sorry." I whispered, my crying at stopped, but the ache never did, and it probably will take a while for it to end.

I looked up at Al and he was smiling. "What happened to my tough girl?" He asked. I slapped him playfully on the chest. "Buried underneath all this mushy and girly stuff." I told him. He chuckled, and gave me one more tight squeeze. Al went to go say something but he Doctor walked out of Luca's room.

"Are you guys the family and friend of Luca Colt?" He asked. We all looked a the doctor, while Sean and Josh stood. "Yes." We all said together.

The doctor shook his head, and avoided eye contact. "We have some good news and and news." He said. I held my heart, and waited. "What's the good news?" Sean asked.

The doctor inhaled and exhaled deeply. "The bullet was successfully removed and Mr. Colt is still alive." The doctor spoke. I sighed in relief. "Bad news?" Sean asked. The doctor sighed and shook his head. He looked at all of us and said.

"We aren't sure if he'll make it or not."



So is this it for Luca? How will the rest of the gang cope if he doesn't?

Hopefully this chapter was good. Don't forget to VOTE an COMMENT. I appreciate all the votes I have gotten recently, thank you.

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