14. Leaving.

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I awoke to sunlight gleaming through my eyelids. I didn't like it when the sun did that. Not that it had any control of what it did.... To me.

I glanced over at the clock, and it read 9:56am. After sleeping, I still felt groggy. I brought one of my sore hands up to my face and wiped my eyes. Then I yawned. My hair was all knotted and my clothing was all wrinkly. However, I didn't care.

I groaned.... Not wanting to move, I sat up in the bed. I wasn't in a good mood. Maybe because Luca was a pain. He was just one big thing that was just there. He was like an unwanted scar. No matter what you do, it just won't go away. He was.... Something. I don't know how to explain it, he was something I was stuck with. No, more like someone I was stuck with.

Then, as if I que, he walked in. He was in a black button up shirt, and black dress pants. I smiled, he looked stupid.

I was use to seeing him in leather jackets and black pants, but never DRESS pants. Ha ha..... This was good.

I looked at him, as he fiddled with the strap on his watch. "Having fun?" I laughed, and he just glared at me. "What?" His voice was low. "Having rouble with your watch?" I joked, but he just smirked. "Well, do you want to put it on me then?" He asked, sounding amused.

I shook my head no, but he just walked over and stuck his had out. "Go on, I'm waiting." His voice was husky. I slowly grab the watch and easily, put it on his wrist. I snorted. "See, piece of cake."

He leaned down and stole a kiss, I sat there shocked. He smirked and patted my head as if I was some sort of dog. "See, piece of cake." He mimicked me, then walked out of the room.

I laughed as he walked away, he looked funny. He must of heard me, because he walked back in and crossed his arms over his chest. "What?" He sounded annoyed. His eyes were burning holes though mine. "Nothing." I said quickly then turned away from him. I got out of bed, and moved over to my closet to find something to wear. I could still feel Luca's eyes on me.

"Tell me." He said, and shook my head no. I was laughing on the inside. How do you tell your owner that he looks weird? Exactly, you don't. SO, just control your laughter Miya. That's what I told myself as I smile crept across my lips.

"Miya, I don't like asking twice." He growled. His footsteps echoed out through the room. When I could feel his body behind me, his arms snaked around my waist. The he pulled my small body towards him hard chest. I stayed still in his arms, just so he wouldn't do anything, but god... I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

"Miya, what is it? Do I stink?" he asked, and I just about lost it. I began laughing uncontrollably in his arms. I placed my hands on my stomach, and leaned over from all the laughing. He let go, then turned me to face him. I was still laughing, but it eventually died down.

The look on his  face was priceless. He looked confused, his head was tilted to one side, lips pressed into a thin lone, and his eyebrows were furrowed. Like said before..... priceless.

I wiped a tear off my cheek, since my laughter had caused them to well in my eyes. "Woah, now that was a good one. I needed that." I patted him on the shoulder then walked passed him. Which only made him even more confused. I giggled.

I walked towards the bed, and began making it. Luca just stood there, dumbfound. "Miya, spill it." his words were rough, as if he was impatient. "What? It's none of your business." I told him, which wasn't wise. I turned my back to him and continued to fix the bed. "None of my business? I own you Miya, everything that goes on in that little mind of yours, is mine." he spoke. I chuckled. "Well, I know a lot of things that YOU don't know." I pointed out, and muttered something under his breath.

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