10. After the meeting.

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As I held Miya's shaken state in my arms, I needed to know why she was acting this way. She was frightened, scared, startled. But to a point that she could no longer control her body's actions. She was hurting, not physically, but mentally. I couldn't help her, all I can do is figure out why she is acting this way.

I kneeled on the floor, and propped her up on my shoulder. I'm not sure that she noticed though. I could feel her breath deepen, and become slower. Yep, she was most diffidently scared, but of what?

I brushed her hair out of her face, and held her tight, but not too tight. I did not want to make matters worse. "Miya, what's wrong?" I asked her. She was struggling to break, she was panicked. She inhaled deeply, and looked at me. "Cane..." Her voice was hoarse, raspy even. It didn't take long for her eyes to roll up in her head, and she was gone.

She had fainted.

I sighed and carried her body over to the couch. Cane? She was afraid of a..... that's when I noticed a man's cane, leaned up against a chair. I walked over and grabbed it. "You can't have this here." I told him, my voice was booming. The older man, just looked at me confused. I held my hand out, and he obediently gave my his cane.

I snorted, and threw the cane out of the room. He can get it on his way out, its just that someone will have to help him get there. That someone will NOT be me.

I walked back to the chair had been previously sitting on. Then continued on with the meeting with the other gang. A contract for a few years with them will secure some safety, and will make us stronger. If they like out partnership, I will make sure another goes through.

Eventually I will get them to join my gang. The more men the better. Plus, the more I'll have, the stronger i'll be. WHo wouldn't want to be stronger? Exactly, I rest my case. I started talking about it and started the meeting. Just to get it on with, its going to be a long meeting.

I wish that I knew why Miya acted like that. She could of just said that there were certain things that upset her, then this could of all been avoided, but no. She's just being complicated, like every other girl in this freaking building.


I awoke to the sounds of deep voices. They sounded serious. I didn't want to interrupt nor did I want to be incorporated into this boring netting of theirs. I'm only here for looked, nothing more. So that's when it happened.

I needed to sneeze.

My nose began to tingle, my lungs tightened, and air began to build up in my throat. I have to sneeze, and it wasn't one those you can just keep in and hold. It was a big one, that would for sure draw all their attention. I was dead, and it was coming. In three, two, one....

"ACHOO!" I sneezed. Everyone whipped their heads around, fixing their gazes on me. I sat their, wiping my nose, while everyone else stared at me. "Miya, I see that your okay. Please, join us" Luca sounded so profession, it was funny. I wanted to laugh so hard, but I held it in. God, I wish I had a video to capture such a precious moment.

I walked down the room, and took a seat next to Luca. I pulled in the chair, and didn't speak a word to anyone else. If they wouldn't speak to me, I wouldn't speak to them, simple as that. Then they started talking about some things I could never understand. The only thing I got from it was:

-there's a contract
-will be signed in two weeks time

That's it. Twenty minutes later everyone stood to leave, so I took off. It was supposed to be a very long meeting, so it made me wonder how long was I really out for? What was even scarier is that anyone could of done anything to me at anytime, and u wouldn't have a a dang clue. Which is quite terrifying if you think about it.

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