11. Mall

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I awake and I feel cold. He left. I instantly knew. Since I didn't feel cold, nor did I shiver when he was here with me. I could feel his presence missing. Trust me, I know what it's like to have something missing.

I know what's it's like to lose, go missing, and to get lost. All of it.


That presence that was one there gone into the abyss of forgotten. No one will ever find it. It's just something that's gone, and it's notice. It's like a foot without the shoe, or bed without the mattress. Or the remote without a tv. It's missing, and it gets lost.


There's no escape. When your lost, everywhere around up in unfamiliar and you don't know a thing. Where did it go? Where are you? How could this happened. Everything lost in the physical world, or maybe your completely lost in your very own mind? What ever the reason, or circumstance. Your lost and you know what's it's like to lose.


The complete opposite of winning. It's like a race, and no matter what you do... You come in last. Your playing a game, and you always end up being wrong. Or you always draw the short straw. Your lose yourself... And you just can't help it.


I crawled out of bed, and rubbed my eyes. Damn, I was lonely. Which was another thing I have experienced.... Loneliness. I guess everyone has had that feeling, but I feel like I've felt it far more than anyone else. I had more than my fair share.

I sighed and rolled off the bed, planting my feet on the hard wood floor. I did NOT want to get up, but I also did not want to stay in his room. Since I had nothing else better to do, I started playing yesterday over and over in my head.

I started thinking about him sitting in the chair, telling me he'd stay. Then I....


Did I really?

I asked him to stay with me?

I am such an idiot! How could I do that! How can I face him today knowing that I went and did something stupid like that. He's going to laugh at me, he's going to look at me funny, he might even tell on me!

God, what did I do? What did I do? What did I do? I kept chanting that sentence in my head. I ran into his bathroom, when I should of just ran into my bedroom. However, his bathroom was closer, and had a lock if he so happened to walk back in.

I slammed the door shut, and locked it behind me. I slowly walked over to the mirror, but instead of looking at my reflection, I saw a small note taped the glass.

There is some clothes in the closet for you, you'll notice them when you see them. Be downstairs by ten thirty, you and Eleanor. You are going to spend the day with her.

And that's an order!


I rolled my eyes at his last sentence. Did he really think he could boss me around like that. "Well technically he can." An inner voice spoke. Damn, I was talking to myself. "He is your boss. Your owner. He bought you. You have to remember that." It spoke Again. I hated that, my thoughts beating me up like that... Going against me. Uhhh! I have no control over them.

I slowly walk over to the closet and instantly my eyes were drawn to the beautiful outfit just hanging there. It had a white top, that came down over my shoulders, light blue jeans, beige shoes, and a small shiny necklace. It was gorgeous, and I couldn't wait to try it on.

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