20. Hotel

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I stepped out of the limo, with Luca right by my side. People were watching us as we entered a large hotel. It was kind of creepy, but I felt a lot safer when Luca looped his arm around mine.

The hotel was gorgeous. If I could, I would never leave. The walls and rooms were a nice golden color. There was a beautiful, flowing fountain in the middle of the room. There was a chandler, but it was rose gold color, and it was beautiful.

The receptionist, she was blonde, but had it threw back in a low bun. She had hand browns eyes, but hers were lighter than mine. She has way too much blue eye shadow on. She was wearing a dark blue uniform, with the name tag that said: Cheryl.

Luca walked directly towards her, pulling me along with him. He knew here to go and what to do, he must of been here before.

"Hi, welcome to the Italy's finest hotel. How may I help you?" She sounded so professional. I zoned out when Luca started talking, admiring the décor of the hotel lobby. It had to be expensive to decorate the place. The person who designed this place has be rich.

I snapped back into reality, and Luca was listening to what the receptionist was saying. "Okay, the elevator to the penthouse is right there, but you know your way, Mr. Colt. She handed him his key card.

"Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Colt, please enjoy your stay." Luca turned to leave, so I went to speak to the receptionist. "We are not marrie....." but Luca had tugged my arm, knocking me directly into his chest. "Luca! What was that for?" I was a little angry, I must admit. "Shhh! You don't need to go yelling at people for messing up who you are." He spoke, pulling me into the elevator and pushing the button to go to the penthouse.

As soon, as the door closed, he pushed me up against the wall of the elevator and latched onto my ear. "Luca, stop. What if YOU get caught!" I was trying to push on his chest, but he had hem pinned at my sides in seconds.

"I've been waiting to get you alone for a while. Besides, there is no camera's in here, so we won't get caught." he assured me, then switched his gaze to my mouth.

"Luca don't even think about it." I scolded, and he shook his head no. "I'm already thinking about, and I about to do it." He spoke, and licked his lips. I gasped, and he didn't hesitate to move his lips onto mine and kids fiercely. He wanted to be in control, be wanted to be the one with the power. I know that.

He turns his head to the side and starts Kissing deeper, and deeper. I was a goner. Too far into it fight him, and to limp to do anything about. He had me in his grasp and he could do whatever he pleases.

And I would have no way to stop it.

Ding. Saved by the bell. The elevator doors begin to open, and then their is a small hallway, which lead to a door. "Why doesn't it open to the penthouse?" I asked Luca, had Luca wrapped his large hand around mine.

"If it opened to the penthouse, then anyone could just go to the top floor and enter my room. That wouldn't be very good.... Would it?" He had a point. I nodded my head in agreement, and he swiped the key card in the lock.

He opened the door, and it was huge inside. I've seen houses smaller than this room. It's a freaking hotel room. I felt my eyes wonder around, and I hadn't realized that Luca still have my hand grasped in his. Well, I didn't know until now.

He lead me through each room, showing me where every bring was. But the one thing that made my heart stop was the bedroom. There was on one bed in the whole house, sit agree meant I was sharing with Luca again.  Maybe I can convince him to let me sleep in the couch.

"Hey, Luca. I'll take the couch." I told him, then wiggled my hand out of him firm grip. However, he pulled me back towards him, his chest pressed into my back. "And why would you want to do something like that." He mumbled, pushing my hair off my shoulders so it could flow off my back. "Well, you can have the bed, it's fine." I stuttered. He didn't seem pleased.

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