34. Caught

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"Did you honestly think you could escape me, Miya?" He sounded mad, really mad. "Well? Did you?!?!" Be yelled, slamming my harder up against the fridge. The cereal box on top feel and hit Luca in the head, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Luca... Stop... Please...." I cried. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. "Aw, skip the waterworks...." He said sarcastically, "I want to know why. Why Miya?" He sounded so angry right now that I wanted to punch him. Punch him in his beautiful, beautiful face.

I looked up and grinned, trying to come off as if I didn't care. I laughed, then spoke very firmly. "Why not?"

He didn't like that answer, because he threw me to the ground as if I was a rag doll. I quickly got up to my feet, and whipped around to face him. We were toe to toe.

"Answer me, Miya!" He yelled, pushing me up against the wall. His chest was pressed up against mine, and there was no space between us.

"I... I can't do this, Luca." I whispered, then tried to push him off. He shook his head. "No, you are going to explain to me. Sooner rather than later." He spoke. He grabbed something put of pocket. A rag? And a bottle? Then I realized what it was.....


"Luca, what are you doing?" I asked, pointing to the bottle. He looked up at me with that seductive grin, and spoke in a low voice. "Your not going to leave me ever again, Miya. I'm going to make sure of that."

I shook my head no, then pushed his arm out my way. I run to the bedroom, and locked the door. We've already been through this, back at Luca's place.

"Miya! Let me in right now!" He yelled at me. He started banging on the door. "Luca!" I yelled, banging on door, mocking him. He stopped. "What?" His voice, his voice laced with anger.

"Why are you doing this? I'm happy here, why do you want to ruin that? Just go back to California and stay there." I told him, and I was breathing heavily.

He started banging on the door once again, harder this time. My words must of hurt him. I knew it was only a master of time before he kicked the door down, so I decide to get up and run to the window.

We on had a one story house, so I could
make it to the ground with ease. I opened it quickly and pushed out the screen. Stepping on the bed and lifting my leg.

I had my upper body out the window. That's when I felt a hand grip onto my leg, and pull me back I into the room. I feel onto my back, and was now lying in the bed.

Luca crawled on top of me, pinning my hands at my sides with his knees. He used his free hands to put the chloroform onto the rag. "Luca, stop! Please!" I yelled, just trying to get away.

He smiled, "never again." He said.... "Never again will you leave me." Then he placed the rag over my nose and mouth. I held my breath. I wasn't going to give up, no I couldn't.

I could feel a great pain, I was breathing. Luca used one hand to soothe my arm. "Breathe." He spoke softly. I couldn't hold my breath much longer anyway, and Luca telling me to breathe wasn't making it easier.

"Breathe." He spoke again, and I did. I took a breath. The drug was really strong and I could already feel myself leaving the world and going into a deep sleep. "Go to sleep Miya, I'll be right here when you wake up." He spoke.

That was the last thing I heard.



I carried her small body towards the van. She still looked like Miya, but there was something different about her. She was stronger. Mentally stronger.

She was really light too, but she still had an attitude. Just like I had remembered. I brought her back into the van, and kept her in my lap. I had no plans on letting her go.


"Wow, you finally got her boss." Sean exclaimed, his eyes gone really wide. Josh looked back at her. "So this is where she's been hiding." I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and smiled. "She's with us now, and she's never going to get away again." I told them.

They all nodded. Alfesto reached over the seat, and wiped a tear of her cheek. "You didn't go easy on her, did you?" He asked, looking at me as if I was the villain in the situation. "She doesn't need someone to go easy on her. She ran away, she doesn't deserve easy." I told him.

He shook his head, then switched his gaze back on the two other girls. What was it that Miya called them. Charlotte and Becky?

I closed my eyes, and propped Miya's head so it was resting on my shoulder.
It was really nice to know that she was back in my arms. I no longer have to worry about her safety, wonder about her whereabouts, or think about how I could find her. She's here with me now, and I will never let her go.

Even if it kills me.



Sorry that was a short chapter, I was busy and I just really wanted to publish. Hope it was good though.

How will Luca act towards Miya when she wakes? Will Luca risk his life to save Miya one day? Does he care about her?

Continue reading to find out, don't forget to comment and vote. It is deeply appreciated. Spread the love.



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