36. Guilty Conscience

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I woke up with Luca's muscular arms wrapped around my waist. My back was pressed up against his chest and his head was resting by the nape of my neck.

I smiled. At first I knew I didn't want to be here. Didn't want to be anywhere near Luca colt and his gang. Now.... I'm not so sure.

Maybe it's just the heat of the moment that's making me think this, and the making me feel this way. He is spooning me after all. Plus, it all feels so good. So familiar.

I stretched, or tried to at least. Then I tried to get out of the bed, and out of his arms. "Don't leave." Luca growled. I obeyed in command and remained still.

He moved my messy hair off of my neck and he began kissing it. He nipped at my earlobe, kissed my soft skin behind my neck. Then trailed kisses along my jawline towards my lips. I was turned the opposite way, so he could not reach my lips.

I remained still. Not showing any emotion, even if his actions and behaviours had me feeling good.

He froze. Then lifted up. I wouldn't let him look into my eyes. I couldn't look at him... I just can't.

I hurt him. If he stays with me, if he starts trusting me again. I will only hurt him again, even if I didn't try to. I can't hurt him, not again.

So, I can't hurt him, if I'm not involved with him.

I tried to get out of the bed, and I actually managed to sit up on the edge. However, Luca grabbed my wrist before I could leave the bed though.

"What's wrong?" He asked, sounded a little worried. I didn't even turn to face him. "Nothing, I'm just hungry." I lied. Then I got up to leave. I heard something shuffle behind me. Then the sound of footsteps.

I knew Luca was out of bed and walking towards me. So I decided to walk towards the front door. He ran up and stood in front on the door. He looked at me.

"What's wrong?" He repeated.

I looked away from him, and head towards the bathroom. Don't get involved. That's what I was thinking. Don't hurt him. My very own voice was scolding me in my mind. Just leave it be, and you won't betray his again.

I shook my head, trying to get my voice out of my head. I walked into the bathroom and splashed cold water in my face.

"Miya, what's wrong?" Luca's voice rang through my ears. I looked through the corner of my eye and saw Luca leaning up against the doorway. I quickly looked away.

He was shirtless.

"Miya, don't make me beat it out of you." He warned, the closed the door of the bathroom. Locking the door behind him, Luca stood behind me. Now he was staring at me through the mirror.

I wouldn't even look into his eyes, and it was bugging him. Luca grabbed my shoulders and pinned me to the wall. Placing his arms on either side of me, so I couldn't move out of the way. Then positioning his legs so I could not kick or move one inch.

I kept my head down, and remained still. Luca raised one of his hands and lift my chin up. I closed my eyes when he held my head straight.

"Open your eyes." He demanded. I didn't listen. Luca placed his other hand on my leg and started stroking the side. My eyes fluttered open at his touch.

He rested his forehead on mine and looked directly into my eyes. Possibly my soul. "Why?" He said one word and one word only. "I can't do this." I told him. He cocked an eyebrow. He was confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I shook my head and closed my eyes again. Luca put his hand on my check, and I looked at him again. "Why do you do that?" He asked.

I tilted my head to one side. "What?" I asked. He kept his head on mine. "Why do you keep closing your eyes? Am I that disgusting?" He sounded offended.

"No!" I yelled, "your not disgusting. It's just.... Complicated." I told him. He shook his head, and grabbed my hand. He led me to the bed.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, while Luca sat down next to me. He was talking to me. Saying stuff like, "you need to open up." And "don't close yourself off." But I wasn't listening to all of it. Just bits and pieces.

Don't let yourself be hurt by him. Don't hurt him. Don't become a burden. Listen. Don't make him mad. Pull your weight. Don't betray him, you know what betrayal is like.

All those thoughts were circling my mind, and they wouldn't leave. Not one. How am I supposed to focus,
When it's my very own mind that's distracting me?

"Miya? Are you listening me?" He sounded angry. I shook my head to snap out of my thoughts. "Yes." I immediately said. "Okay, then what was the last thing I said?" He spoke. I thought for a moment.

"So you weren't listening. That's a naughty thing to do, don't you think?" He spoke. For some unknown reason, I nodded.

Luca pinned me to the mattress, keeping me there. He kissed me hard, and was very demanding. I forgot how good he was. I moaned in his mouth. He as good. Very good.

He was in control. He was always in control. When he pulled away, my hair was messier than before. If that was possible. "Come on let's go eat." He grabbed my hand.

He walked me to the front door. Then Sean came burst long through. "Luca, I've got some news." He spoke. Luca folded his arms over his chest, letting go of my hand in the process. "What is it, Sean?" He sounded so professional.... It gave me cold shivers.

"Your cousin, Mike is coming today." Sean told him. "What?" Luca sounded mad, and I felt bad. Did this so called Mile Mike do something to upset him? Make his presence unwanted?

"What time?" Luca asked. Sean spoke, "two thirty." Luca nodded and Sean left. "Come on, babe. Let's go eat before Mike comes." Luca spoke.

He gripped onto my hand again. Don't get involved. My voices again. It's your fault he doesn't trust you. It's your fault he's following you. It's your fault. It's your fault. Our fault.

Don't get involved.

The voice in my head constantly tells me not to get involved. Too late. I was involved the moment aunt and uncle put a price tag on me. Not getting involved.....

That wasn't an option.



How was that? Why does Luca hate Mike? How will this all go down in the next chapter?

Continue reading to find out! Doesn't forget to comment and vote, it is appreciated. Spread the love.



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