47. Find her, now!

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December 20th. Miya had been gone for 7 whole days, and seven whole nights. Even though i think I had just found out where she could possibly be. All four of us.




And well, of course, me.

We were all searching and I had finally did some digital editing and coding to find out who where the faces on the security footage.

Goodnight through it, making tiny changes, and clearing blurred lines, and something I couldn't make out,
I had finally did it.

I waited for the picture to analyze. I was so tired, and I couldn't wait to see who it could be. Was it Jack? It could be. The son of a gun always hated me, and he did SHOOT me, but whatever. He's not aloud to touch my girl. When the picture analyzed I was to see....

Kevin and Diana?

They ones that sold her to me? I stared at their picture in confusion. Why would they go and do something like that? Are they regretting their decision on selling her?

"Come guys lets go." I said getting up and my grabbing my coat. They all jumped up, "you found her?"

I nodded, "I finally found the snakes that took my fiancée." I told them. I opened the door and ran towards the car. All of us sliding inside. "I'm never going to lose her ever again. I will bind her to me if I have to." I told myself.

The guys look at me. "You really care about her don't you?" Sean asked. I looked back at him. "I'm not losing her. Not again." I told him, then turned to face the front. Alfesto was driving.

"We will get her back, Luca." Josh assured me. I nodded, and looked back at him. I grinned and spoke....

"I know."



"Move it!" Yelled a man with a deep voice. I quickly tried to keep up the pace, but it's kind of a challenge when the person's legs is like twice the length of your own.

Moving and quickly maneuvering through many people, I did manage to stay with him. We came to a van.

"Get in!" The man spoke angrily as if I was worth nothing. Before I could even step a foot into the van, he grabbed my arm and through me I into the van harshly. "Hey! Watch what your doing?" I yelled at him.

The man stepped inside the van with me, and slapped me across the face. I was already sore from the other beatings aunt and uncle gave me, so that slap hurt more than it normally would.

"'Quit being a ungrateful brat and do what your told!" He yelled at me. I rubbed at the spot where he had hit me. "Your lucky you survived this long." He muttered under his breath. I looked at him, and he just stared. He was like an emotionless dummy. I hated him.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, removing my hand from cheek. The pain had decreased, but it was still stinging.

"None of your business." He said coldly. I rolled my eyes, and placed my hands on my hips. "Um, it sort of IS my business. Since to are taking ME somewhere. So, tell me." I told him.

He looked over, and then looked away. He was avoiding the question. I rolled my eyes, and slammed my hand down on the seat. "Answer me!" I yelled.

He got up, but he looked annoyed. He grabbed something out of a case, near the door of the van. He grabbed out a needle and a bottle. Putting the liquid in the needle he looked at me.

"You know, I just knew I would have to use this. You just can't shut up can you?" He sighed, then came over next to me. He grabbed my wrist and turned my back against his chest. He wrapped on arm around my body, trapping my arms at his sides.

"Get ready, princess. This is probably going to hurt." He said, then pressed the tip on the needle on my arm. I thrashed around. "No! Stop, please! I'll be good! I promise!" I was trying to reason with him. However, the needle had already broke my skin, and he already pushed the liquid inside of me.

I gasped. He was right, it did hurt. He carried me over to his seat, and rested my head on his shoulder. I was too weak to fight against him. "Sleep, Ms. Ling. Sleep." He said, as he ran his fingers through my hair.


Even though I couldn't keep my eyelids up, and I could feel myself falling asleep. "Go to bed now." He was trying to soothe me to sleep. That's evil. I fought to stay awake, but the last words I heard was:

"Go to sleep."



I parked the car in an alley way. Out of sight, out of mind. I walked up to the door, their house was surrounded with trees, which means no one would be able to see me at the door.

I quickly picked the lock, and crept inside. My loaded gun in my hand, and  was shifting through the hallway. Listening to the voices, the laughter, and that high pitched squeal that Diana made. I hated the freaking sound.

I entered the room that Kevin and Diana was in, and they were practically swimming I cash. "I pointed my gun at them. "Back away slowly, and face the wall. I WILL shoot you if I have to." I waned. They jumped at my sudden outburst, but they did what I had ordered them to do.

I pointed my gun at Kevin so it rested on his head. "Tell me." I said. He looked really nervous, and his eyes were full of panic.

"What? I don't know what your talking about?" Kevin lied. Did he think I was stupid? To believe something like that? This was ridiculous. I pointed the gun down at his leg and shot him in the kneecap.

He came crumbling down to the floor, and he was howling in pain. "Stop! Don't hurt him!" This was coming from Diana. "Babe, don't." Kevin managed to say through he sobs. I looked at her. "Tell me, what happened to Miya." I said, without any expression on my face. She took in a deep breath and said:

"We sold her."



Was that good? Hopefully, it took a little while to write, but it's done.

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