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"How could you? I yelled at one of the men. I actually, sort of expected one of them to kidnap me, but the other? No, the was completely unexpected. Like,
Nobody seen it coming.

Jack, Luca's enemy. The one I expected to commit such a crime. "Jack let me go, right now." I ordered him, as I pounded my fist in the soft bed. He shook his head no. "Listen honey, I call the shots around here, not you." I turned my head tho face the other man, but he raised a hand which made me stop speaking.

"Call me sir. If you don't, I'll kill Luca and take you as my own." He blurted out. I was expecting those words from him. I let my head hang low and I thought for a minute. Then I looked back at him. "No, you can't kill Luca. He's stronger, more powerful, and better than you'll ever be!" I yelled at him.

The man ran over and tightly gripped my neck. I was struggling for breath as he cut off all my oxygen. "Luca doesn't know I'm against him. I can into his very own house and shoot him. He would die wondering... What the hell?" He explained and let go of my aching throat.

I gasped for air as if I hadn't breathed in days. Kill Luca? No, I couldn't let that happen, never.

"Do you want something to eat?" He asked. I closed my eyes tightly as the tears slipped and ran down my cheeks. I hated being here, just hated it.

"Do you want something to eat?" He repeated, sounding a little irritated. Good, I will never make him kidnapping me easy. Ill make his life a living hell. But... I was starving, so I nodded my head without any words.

"I'll get a maid to bring it up to you, honey. Me and this dude over here have some business to attend to." Jack said while pointing to his partner in crime.

He nodded, "so, Miya. My little lady, do you want it?" He asked, as he began to walk towards the door. "Yes." I said quietly. He came to a halt and turned around to face me.

It actually startled me, I thought he was going to turn around and grab my throat again. However, he didn't. He just said. "Yes... What?" I sighed.

"Yes sir."



As I pace back and forth, I stare up at the calendar. December 24th. Miya was actually very excited about this day. She would ramble on and on about it while she was working in the gym. Now. I can't even spend it with her.

I slammed my hands on the hard wall, and someone knocked on the door crazily. I'd say if they knocked anymore, the door would just come off its hinges. I sighed, and opened the door.


She came hurting in and wrapping her arms around my neck. I could feel her tears on my shoulder. "Oh, Luca! I am so sorry! I came back as fast as I could, sorry about Miya." She was going on about how sorry she was, but I had actually tuned her out. She was actually gone to go see her family in Brazil, and she came back to come comfort me about Miya. Wow, what a girl.

She pulled away. "We will find her Luca, I just know we will. One day, she will come home." She said. I nodded, and she was right. I will bring Miya home, one day.

Eleanor wiped her nose. "Oh! I also brought your cousin... Ah... Ah... Mike! Yes, Mike. He already had some leads and wants you to take a look at them. He wants to find Miya just as much as you do." She explained.

Leads? That gives me a better chance to find my Miya. I have Eleanor a friendly pat on the arm, and left the room without another word.

I was actually starting to hate my bedroom. Knowing that I have to go in there and not see Miya. Nights actually begin to grow cold, and I can't hold her tightly against me. When everything's gone quiet, I can't pick at her to say "give it up, Luca! I'm tired." No, I don't get to hear those words. Her sweet voice. I don't get to do that anymore. She's gone, and I have to find her.

I walk downstairs and see Josh, shaking hands with Mike. I really didn't want to deal with Mike today, but he has information on Miya, and I really need this. This little break.

I walk down and see Mike. He gives me the pity look. "Luca, man. I'm so sorry. None of this should of ever have happened." He said, walking over and gave me a hug. I didn't hug him back, I just stood there like a stiff tree.

When he pulled away, I exhaled in relief. "We got to find her, God knows what people would do to someone like her." He said. I nodded. "I have to get her back, I don't even know who's hands she's in. I don't have a clue what they're doing to her."

Mike have the "I wish I could do more"  smile, and walked away from me. He nodded and pressed my lips in a thin line. I closed my eyes. "Do you have any leads?" I said. Mike whipped around.


"Eleanor said you had leads."

He smiled. "I do."

I nodded, "well then let's go."

"Wait!" I stopped walking with Mike, when I heard a voice. Coming to a halt, I turned around to see the same young boy I had spoke to a few days ago. "We have her! We know where she is!" He handed me a piece of paper with an address. I nodded.

"Are you sure that's where she is?" I said, with the a little bit of doubt in my voice. He nodded. "We're sure. This has to be it!" He said. I smiled, "good, now let's go." I told the boys. "Now?" Mike asked. I nodded.




Hope this chapter was good. Took a little while to write, but here it is!

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