4. Saved

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I decided that I would act like a normal human being and walk down the stairs, like Luca asked me to. Of course, not every normal, average human beings are put into this unthinkable situation. So, normal isn't really an option right now.

I trail my fingers along the white, marble stair rail, as I walked down the carefully chiseled stairs. This place must of cost s fortune. They way the wall and the pillars were artistically designed, and they looked unique. It was so classy, so elegant, so special. Though I would never fit into this place. I'm nothing special. I'm just some girl that had been beaten for ten years, then sold to a heartless man. Yep, nothing special about that.

I enter the largest dining room ever created. It was so beautiful I admired it, which came to me by surprise. I didn't like feeling this way about my captors house, but God it was amazing. I mean there was cabinet filled with plates. Just plates, and ENTIRE cabinet, and that cabinet was taller than me! They can diffidently afford things.

I listened to the low voices of people talking about things at the table. Trying  to listen to what they were standing, Luca finally looked up and saw me, awkwardly standing in front of the room. He coughed, making everyone look up at me. I had never felt so much pressure. "Sit next to me!" Said a short blacked haired woman. She looked about 17 maybe 19. Luca reached over and hit up side the head. "Owwwww" she complained.

Luca snapped his fingers to get my attention, then he pointed to a chair next to HIM. "Sit here, now." He demanded. Without hesitation, I quickly ran over and sat next to Luca. "Bring in the maids." He spoke sharply, then glaring at me. "What took you so long?" his voice was cold.

"Excuse me? I was five, freaking minutes. Can't wait that long?" I said sarcastically. He just grabbed my leg, and squeezed my leg, really hard. I yelped and removed his hand. his lips curved, and I could see him smile. Did he enjoy my pain?

Then, four ladies in tiny little black maid suits walked in. All carrying platters. Luca leaned towards me and whispered in my ear. "Don't think that I forgot about that maid suit I want to see you in."

I blushed, but jumped when I heard the sound of a plate smash. One of the maids dropped a plate. I watched her scramble, trying to pick up all the shattered pieces. I watched Sean, get up and walk over to the distraught maid. He grabbed her ponytail, and she yelped in pain. "Be more careful!" He yelled at her, and then slapped her across the face. She fell to the ground as if she was a rag doll.

Something inside of me let go, I stood up and ran over to her. Helping her to her feet, I switched my gaze to Sean. "How could you do that?" I asked him, clearly mad. He crossed his arms over his chest and spoke. "You don't get to speak to me that way." I rolled my eyes and said "And you don't get to hit her that way." I mimicked him, which only made him worse.

"Miya Ling, I swear to god. I can do the same to you if you want." He threatened. I looked in directly in the eye and spoke ever so coldly. "I'd rather you hit me than hit her. Don't you EVER touch her again." I had my finger pointed in his face. We were leering at each other, in a awkward silence.

He finally broke the silence. "You are very tough for a person that had been broken down by her only family." I looked at him as I began to walk away. I said more thing before sitting down. "Beaten, not broken." then I sat right next to Luca, crossing my legs to add more of a dramatic affect.

"Thank you Miss. Ling. I owe you." She spoke, then ran off back into the kitchen. Alfesto looked over at me and chuckled. "Damn, your a feisty one. You made Sean look like an idiot." Sean shot Alfesto a evil glare, which only made Alfesto laugh even more. Sean sat back down and looked at me. "Don't think that you'll be treated any different." He spat at me. I raised my eyebrows. "Ah, don't pout princess. You don't have to go crying because you got told off." I shot at him, and Alfesto choked on his drink.

"She was worth the money." he laughed, and Sean pointed a finger at him. "Shut up! You don't know when to be quiet!" He shot at Alfesto. "Yeah, and you don't know how to slap. Next time, through a punch." I chimed in, and Alfesto spit out his drink this time. "Can I have her Luca?" he laughed, struggling the get the words out.

"That's it! Your nothing by a spoiled brat you know! You.." He called me out, but I cut him off. "Spoiled Brat. Try getting beaten for ten long years! Try starving for weeks. Try crying yourself to sleep? Try to put yourself in my shoes! I grew up with nothing, so you can't call me spoiled! I had and have nothing to be spoiled about!" I was all out of breath when I finished.

Sean was holding his breath. "You were...seven?" he stuttered. "Yes, a seven year old kid, forced to live with her aunt and uncle. I can remember my very first beating. It is forever scarred into my mind. Ever have to live with that?" I spoke harshly. Then began to walk away. Luca stood up from the table, slamming his hands on the table.

"It's time to eat! No funny business... Remember" Luca's was once again as hard as ice. I turned around and spoke. "I'm not eating." He just glared at me, while everyone else watched in amusement. "If you don't eat like the rest of us, they you don't eat at all." He warned. Anyone else would of shivered, and walked back to him. Not me, I just shrugged it of. I spoke one last time. "I have gone a few days without eating Mr.Colt, one meal will not and shall not kill me.

Then I walked away. Knowing that I had saved that maid from a bad beating. Saved everyone from that dreadful meal.

I saved myself.


Spread the love! I really enjoy writing this story guys, so I hope you all like reading it.

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