21. Who is Roxie?

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I awoke to the sound of an electric toothbrush going off. I rubbed my eyes and turned to face Luca. He wasn't there. Just a big empty space of nothing. It's where his isn't, but where he should be.

That means the person making that sound with the toothbrush is Luca. I sighed, and placed a warm hand on my forehead. I heard some footsteps in the bathroom, then something shuffling in the bathroom immediately followed.

Luca walked out a second later, and I sat up on the big empty bed. "Ah, your awake. Did you sleep well?" He sounded happy, but I could see right through his little charade. Did he think I wouldn't notice? Somethings was diffidently bugging him.

"What's wrong Luca?" I sounded worried, even though I wasn't, was I? He sighed and angrily ran his fingers through his her black hair.

"The reason why we came here was to see my uncle. My uncle Damatroz." He explained. I shrugged. "Okay, so what's the big deal?" He gave me a stone cold look. "Do you remember what your uncle did to you?" His voice was sharp.

I nodded in pure fear. "Did your uncle beat you?" I asked him, praying that he didn't have to deal with that kind of pain. Luca shook his head no, and I sighed in relief. Then he spoke. "No, my point is the our uncles are huge pains, and aren't worth the hassle. They don't deserve the life they've been given." Luca spat out at me.

Where was all this fire coming from? He sounds so mad, so angry. What could his uncle of done to have him so worked up? I looked at Luca, he appeared to be distraught.

"Come here." I told him, putting my arms out for him. I had no idea why, but I just felt right, ya know? Luca walked towards me and sat at me

I wrapped my scrawny arms around his neck and pulled him towards me. "Miya, what are you doing?" He sounded so confused. Ha, funny.

"Luca, just one time. Let me comfort you." I told him. He went to say no but I covered his mouth when my hand, and tested my head on his forehead. His eyes were beautiful. "Shhh..." I whispered, then laid down on the bed, with Luca still in my arms.

"Don't say a word, just give into me already." I mocked him from last night. He snorted my didn't move. He let me hold him, and keep him there until.... Until he melted and wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay, Luca. Everyone has something that troubles them." I told him, trying to comfort him. Luca's eyes shot open. "It doesn't trouble me, Miya. Don't take me as a fool." He warned. I looked his directly in the eye, and spoke.

"I don't take you as a fool, Luca. However, a fool is someone who won't admit to their faults. Someone who won't take wise advice and listen, someone who won't listen to her heart. Don't be a fool Luca."

Then I got up and walked away, leaving him alone to do nothing but think.


"......Don't be a fool Luca." She spoke, then got up and walked away from me. Leaving me alone in the bedroom, wth an unmade bed.

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes tiredly. I sat up on the bed and looked around the room. Running my fingers though my hair, and then I rolled out of the bed. I slowly walked out of the bedroom.

Miya was bent Dan, looking at something on the coffee table. I watched her for a while, until she stood. She was still looking down at the small piece of paper, and didn't even notice me standing there.

She walked directly towards me with her head down, until she bumped into my. I wrapped my arms around her waist to keep her from falling, I totally had this all planned out.

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