58. Blame.

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He looked at me wearily, then closed his eyes, like he didn't want to look at me. He blames himself.... For his fathers actions.

"Luca, it's just.... It's not you that killed them." I began, but he covered my mouth with his hand and pulled me closer to him. I widened my eyes, when he rested his chin on the top of my head.

He wrapped his arms around my upper body and held me. He uncovered my mouth and I pressed my head up against his chest.

I listened to his heartbeat. His slow but loud heartbeat. I close my eyes to focus on it, but Luca tightens his grip around me. Now, he was making this very awkward.

"Luca, it wasn't your fault." I say almost instantly. He freezes, the pulls away so he could look at me. He cocked a brow and shook his head. "How do you know?" He shot at me angrily.

I paused, then thought about what to say next. "You were eleven, possibly ten, any boy that age would listen to their serious father."

I got angry at him, yelled at him, and ran away from him. Just because he blames himself, and I didn't even let him explain himself.

Until now.

I rubbed his arm up and down, trying to soothe his pan, even though the memory hurt me just as much as it hurt him. I looked into his mossy green eyes, that was now clouded over with regret, and remorse.

"Luca, it's okay..." I said, but he cut me off instantly. "Save it, Miya. I hurt you, i know. There's no reason to say that it's okay because it's not." he said, then he got out of the bed. I sat up quickly and watched him walk over to his drawers.

"What are you doing?" i asked, as he pulled on a black t-shirt that hugged his body. He didn't answer. I became frustrated. "Luca, answer me." I ordered, and he froze. I waited for him to answer.

"Excuse me?" he said, and i realized he probably didn't like that. I put a hand over my mouth, and waited for him to speak again. "Your not my boss, you don't get to order me around." He stated.

He slowly began to turn around and then walk towards the bed. When he reached the side, i looked up. He was really tall, i wonder if he notices how short i am? Oh well, doesn't matter.

Luca lowers his head so where are eye level. I hold my breath and wait for him to say that i did something wrong, or that i shouldn't of done that. He smiled, which was something i wasn't expecting, and pulled me to my feet.

He swirled me around like i was his little princess, and the spun me into him. I fit into his chest perfectly, and i didn't want to move. "I'm... I'm..." he stuttered, and i could feel like he was trying to say sorry. But, i guess that's hard for a big shot like Luca.

I raised my head and stroked his cheek. He sucked in a breath and i said, "I know." I'm not mad at him, no, i can't be. He was just a kid, and he was only obeying his father. How can you punish someone for listening? Exactly, you cannot.

He held me in his arms for a little while longer, until he wanted to look me in the eye. "I know you don't want to marry me, but you have to. I'm only doing it to protect you Miya, so you'll be safe." he explained.

I exhaled very slowly and thought for a minute. I just need to accept the fact that I'm going to be stuck here for the rest of my life. At least Luca doesn't beat me, like Aunt Diana and Uncle Kevin. But, Luca is also a Mafia leader, and i could lose him at any time, and anywhere.

It's like playing a game of snakes and ladders. You don't know if everything is going to be okay, or i everything is going to go down hill, making you start all over again. It's all about luck... and fate, if you believe in that stuff.

I chuckled, and he caressed my cheek with his thumb. "What's so funny?" he asked, as if he really wanted to know. I sighed, but still smiled. "When i was a young teen, i used to believe that my... prince charming was going to save me from that horrible place. I was waiting and waiting for him to come and save me, love me, marry me, and that one day we could have a family." I told Luca.

He seemed surprised that i told him this, but it seemed like the right moment. "You wouldn't have to think like that, if i never killed your parents." he said slowly, but very clear. I bit my lip, and spoke. "Luca, how many times do i have t say it! It's not your fault! Don't blame yourself, i don't want to hear it. I'm okay now, don't be so hard on yourself." i told him.

He looked at me as if i had three heads. It went real quiet, and we just stood in the middle of the room staring at each other. Then Luca went and broke the silence by saying, "Prince Charming? I always thought you'd be the big bad mafia leader kind of girl." he smirked, pointing to himself.

I rolled my eyes, then walked away from him. "In your dreams, big boy." i said, then crawled back into bed. He followed, and then took of his CLEAN shirt and threw it in the basket. "Luca! That was clean!" i scolded. He crawled into bed anyway and told me the maids would clean it. I sighed then closed my eyes.

I heard Luca laugh behind me, as he snaked an arm around waist. He pulled me towards him and i stayed there. As long as he isn't blame himself anymore, and that he doesn't live with unnecessary weight on his shoulders. But, i guess that's what i'm here for. To help him, and become his wife...


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