13. Punish her.

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"Luca, I have no reason to be punished." I told him, trying to sound a little be confident. However, that confidence faded when he towed me into the main room.

"No, you are going to be a good girl. Like you should of been the moment I bought you." He said coldly. The man that had once comforted me, and held me was now gone. But now it's making me wonder, where did he go?

"If someone was to be punished, it should be you." I shot at him. With a smug look, he threw me down to the floor. Rage filled his eyes, then he stepped on my hand. He put pressure down on my hand, squishing it. I yelled in pain, as he pressed harder and harder on my hand. "Luca! Stop!" I screamed at him. However he wasn't done.

He grabbed my arm, and pulled me to my knees. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Not done yet. Let's hope you don't scream your head off by then." He chuckled at his joke, and I could hear little whimpers leave my lips and fill his ears.

His pleasure came from my pain.

I shivered at the thought, but I won't give it to him. "No, you will not hurt me. You cannot hurt me like this!" I yelled at him, and his smiled faded. "I know, you seemed to be hurt more, when it's your fault. So, I'll make it your fault." He growled, then gripped my hand tightly. As he towed me down the stairs, I struggled to keep up. When I feel behind he tugged my in front of him, making me fall. Then he would pick me up once again, and drag me like I was a toy.

When we finally reached the basement, i noticed a while bunch of cages. Was he going to put me in one? Let me rot in here for the rest of my life? Oh no.

When Luca through me to the floor, I could feel myself shivering from the cold. Luca took keys from his pocket and opened a cage. Walking inside nothing but coming out with a girl. She had short blonde hair. Her shirt was ruined, she had red scratch marks all over her legs. Her left hand was shaking, while her right hand looked way to swollen to ever make any movement.

She was shaking uncontrollably and Luca wasn't being too kind to her either. He gripped her hair and yanked up. She cried out as her feet could barely touch the floor. He was hurting her, and it was..... My fault. I stood up and ran towards the girl, but Luca grabbed my neck with his free hand. Then tossed me to the floor. "Your fault, Miya. All your fault." He said. The grabbed the girl's waist. She could barely stand, so him holding her was the only thing keeping her from crumbling to the cold floor.

"Come on Miya, how could you do this to her?" Luca teased, ten through the girl up against another cage. She gripped onto the bars, tears just pouring out of her eyes. "Stop....please." She pleaded, but he wouldn't listen, he grabbed her arms
Bad through her to the floor as if she was a rag doll.

"Luca! Stop! You can't do this!" I yelled at him. He switched his gaze to me. "Come here." He told me. I stood and walked over to him. When I was face to face with this mad man, he caressed my
Cheek with his finger. I shivered at his touch.

"Are you sorry?" He asked innocently, but he was anything but innocent. I nodded my head. "Just don't hurt her Luca, please." I pleaded. He hands dropped from my face to my waist. "I won't. For now anyway." He laughed, and looked away. There was no bone in my body that wanted me to look at him right now.

"Don't be so bitter, I'll get one of the boys to put her back in the cage." He explained. I removed his hands from my waist. "Why are you doing this to her?" I staggered when I realized that he was the thing holding me. "She's a part of the gang. She's a bartender, this burglar decided to steal from me. Nobody steals from me. Don't worry, she's not a random, she's just as bad as me. Well, I'm the worst there is but you know what I mean." He spoke. He took a step towards me but I back up.

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