37. Mike

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We had strawberry pancakes for breakfast. They had whipped cream too, plus the plates were practically over following with syrup. What, I like my things sweet.

Luca was looking at me as I ate without a word. He was making me uncomfortable, and he knew it. I continued to eat. Trying not to notice Luca.

When I finished, I placed my hand on my belly and leaned back on the chair. "Was it good?" He asked. I nodded. It was more than good, it was....

"Hey guys! Miss me?" A tall blonde male walked it. Luca's eyes widened as he stood. "Mike?" He asked. Mike grinned, showing off his white teeth. "In the flesh."

So this was Mike. "It thought you weren't supposed to be here until two thirty." Luca stated. Mike scoffed and sat down on a chair next to me. Resting his feet on the table, Mike spoke. "Left early on dad's plane. Plus, I like surprising people." Luca shook his head.

He didn't like surprises.

I got that loud and clear.

"Okay, little Luc, what are we gunna do?" Mike asked. I almost laughed. Little Luc? That's hilarious. "I'm older than you, Mike." Luca shot at him. Mike rolled his eyes. "Yeah, by what? Four months? No big deal, get over it grandpa." Okay, I laughed that time.

Little Luc.


That was funny. Luca shot me a look and I stopped, but it took a lot of self control to do that. Mike was now looking at me. "So, this is the little princess Luc bought. She's a sweet little thing, don't you think?" I blushed at his words.

"Her name is Miya, and she's mine. So, paws off." Luca scolded. Mike put his hands up as if he surrendered. "Okay, I won't touch her. She's already got you wrapped around her pretty little finger." He pointed out. Luca raised his eye brows. "Excuse me?" He spoke, sounding all high and mighty.

"Well, that's an engagement ring around her finger, and she's here with you now... So I sort of pieced it together." Mike explained. Luca rolled his eyes. I looked at Mike, "you caught him red handed." I told Mike. He smiled.

"So Miya, how's it like? Having the big bad boss at your fingertips?" He tilted his head to one side, just like Luca. I shrugged. Mike nodded, "enough said, he's very controlling isn't he?" Mike asked. I nodded, "of course." I told him.

Luca looked at me and Mike. "I'm right here!" He exclaimed. I stopped smiling, but Mike kept on talking. "You know when we were younger, we used to mess around all the time. Like this one time we had a contest to see who could jump the furthest.... From the roof." Mike was telling a story about him and Luca, and wanted him to continue.

"Mike, shut up." Luca scolded. That didn't bother Mike the slightest. "So, to make a long story short. I broke my leg, and he sprained an ankle. He won though, but that's only because he scared me, so I was nervous." Mike continued. I rested my chin on my hands.

"Yeah.... But if he didn't scare you?" I alder. Mike laughed. "I would of won by a long shot." Luca looked at Mike and shook his head no. "I would of won either way, buddy. Suck it up." Luca told Mike.

Mike and I both laughed. Luca rolled his eyes and left the room in a hurry. "I didn't know you and Luca were so close." I told Mike. Mike shrugged. "We used to be, we sort of drifted apart over the years. Even though I do intend to fix out relationship. He was a like a brother... You know?"

It hurt Mike that Luca didn't hang with him anymore. "So, why did you guys stop hanging out?" I asked him. Mike shook his head.

"I don't know. Luca was getting into this 'I need a girl to function' stage and I was moving back to Canada with mom. We drifted apart since then." Mike explained. "Oh, I'm sorry I asked." I told him, feeling bad and embarrassed. He grinned. "Don't be, it was bound to happen one day. Mom died a few months after so I moved back in with dad. Which wasn't so bad. I liked dad, but he worked a lot and I didn't see him some nights. Other than that, he did alright."

I smiled at Mikes words. I did feel bad that Luca had left him out to dry, but I really hope Luca explains why to me later.

"So, since Luca left, wanna do something?" He asked. I pointed to my chest. "Me?" I asked. He laughed, and I felt a little stupid. "Of course you! We an go get something to eat." He suggested. I smiled. "I just had breakfast." I pointed out.

"Oh yeah." He spoke. "Well. Walmart about something to drink?" He suggested. I tilted my head to the side. "Does milkshakes sound good?" I asked. Mike smiled. "Of course." Then we left to go get milkshakes.


We came back, and we were laughing at something. Good knows what, we were laughing at a lot of things. "Are you serious?" I laughed. He nodded. "Yes, I'm serious! How could I make something like that up?" He asked, put still struggling to keep in his laugh. "It just sounds so....." But we were cut off by an angry Luca.

"Where were you guys?" He asked.

"We went to get milkshakes." Mike answered.

"For two hours?"

"So we like milkshakes. What's the big deal, mr boss man?"

"I didn't know where you went, I though...." But Luca stopped.

"Thought what?" Mike asked.

Luca gripped my hand. "No leaving with my cousin anymore. You hear?" He whispered so Mike couldn't hear. I nodded. "Okay but your going to explain why later." I told him.

Luca gave me a peck on the lips and told me to meet him in our room in five minutes. I was just about to leave when I heard Mike speak.

"I'm going to head out, got to go see dad." Mike spoke. I looked at him. "I don't mean to pry, but who is your father. You tend to talk about him a lot. He sounds like a busy, but nice person." Mike smiled. "He is." Then Mike looked at me, and his answer surprised me.

"Damatroz Colt is my father."



So Mike is Damatroz's son! And why is Luca so uptight about Miya hanging with Mike. Continue reading to find out!

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