23. After Dinner

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"Luca, your crazy. There is no way I'm saying yes to that!" I yelled, and he pinned my hands to my shaking sides. "Miya, you will do what I say. I will figure a way out of this, but you have to roll with it until then." He spoke, his voice rough and low with anger.

"Luca, I won't marry you. Nor will I get engaged to you." I told him. He latched his lips on my neck and bit down hard. "Owww.." I complained. He laughed. "It's a love bite babe, get used to it." Then he attacked my lips. Moving over them quickly and forcefully. Making sure he took what he wanted from me.

When he pulled away, I was gasping for breath. No matter how many times he kisses me, I always end up breathless. Damn, he's good.

"No, give me your hand." He order, then reached his hand out for mine. When I didn't give him my hand he reached for my wrist and squeezed. Pulling me towards him, my back was now pressed up against Luca's chest.

"Okay, Miya. Here's your ring." He spoke. The took the ring that was in his other hand, and slipped it onto my finger. The cold silver sent a shiver through my spine. I didn't want this.

"Luca, please stop. I don't want this."
I say, trying to take off the ring. Luca noticed my ring coming off, because he slipped it back on he pointed his finger in my face. "If you take that ring off, I will punish you. There are things worse than making you feel uncomfortable, I can make you scream babe.... Trust me."

Without a moment to spare, Luca dragged me back out to the table where Damatroz was. "Okay, so..... What?" Damatroz sounded impatient, how long were we in there for?

"I did it, she's now my fiancée." Luca's words were like venom seeping into my skin as he spoke them. I was his, but he wasn't mine. How did I manage to get my self into this kind of mess?

"Good, congrats boy. I'll let you go home and celebrate." Damatroz got up and paid for the meal. When we got out, Luca and Damatroz said they needed a 'men's talk.' They're weird.

When they finally came back, a man was on his knees begging for his life. "Please! Don't kill me, I won't do it ever again! I promise!" He was begging. Luca kicked the man down so he was on his belly, and then walked away.

I sighed in relief when Luca stood next to me. "Your letting him live?" I asked, hoping that he would say yes. Luca shook his head yes. "I am......"


"....But he's not." Luca pointed at uncle Damatroz who was pointing a gun at the man. The man was dead and blood was oozing out of his head rapidly. "That's what you get." Damatroz spoke, then looked over at us. They killed a man, in broad daylight... Now that was heartless.

There is no way in hell that I could ever get used to that. Luca constantly going out killing people because its his job, his action, his life. How could someone live like this. Always knowing that you could possibly die from something you could of prevented.

If only you took the other path.

The bad boy, mafia leader. I can't save him, not now. He's too far gone. Many people think they can go in a relationship and the person, to make them better. Fix the bugs and repair quirks. No, that's the person.

Those little imperfections is the thing that makes us humans, and not some emotionless monsters. We are people, but Luca..... is he a human or a monster?

Only time will tell, and maybe. Just maybe. I'll get my answer and find out if Luca really is human.

Damatroz walked over to a black van, that looked to have two other men inside, possible more. Damatroz waved. "See you later, my darling. I so proud of you, and Luca..... Smarten you, be good to her." The the van door slammed behind him. The van sped off in broad daylight and left us to get back into our limo.

"Well, that was fun."  I told Luca, then walked towards the limo. "Fun? Oh you call that fun?" He sounded surprised, and a little offended that I thought the dinner was fun.

"Yeah it was fun, I really like your uncle."

"You do, I hate the old man."

"Yeah, because he keeps you on tot toes and is trying to make you into a gentleman."

"Why, you think I not already a gentleman?"

"Well, for starter, making a woman cry is not gentle."

"I can be a gentleman if i want to." Luca sounded like a little kid that just got told off. "Yeah... Sure." I spoke sarcastically. I walked towards the limo door.

Luca quickly ran pass me, as if we were racing. "Luca what the...." But I stopped when I noticed what he had done. He had the limo door open, for me.

I smiled. "See I can be a gentleman," he pointed out. I laughed, then went to go get in the limo. Luca stopped me. "What?" I asked him, he smirked. "Just give me a kiss." He spoke. I shook my head no, "not happening."

"Just one, on the cheek." He pouted. I rolled my eyes, and gave him a peck on the cheek, he grinned. "I knew you loved me." He joked.

"Oh just shut up." I told him, but I laughed half way through my words. I slid into the limo. Luca quickly came in and sat next to me. He was extremely close. "Um, Luca?" I spoke, sounding uncomfortable. He looked down at me.


"Your really close."


"Go to the other side."

"Hey, I'm your fiancée now. I am a loud to do whatever I want to you, plus.... I am still your master."

I rolled my eyes. Luca reached down, and nipped my ear lobe, then he started kissing my neck. "Luca, why do you like my neck so much?" I asked. Luca groaned then brought his lips right to my ear. "Because it tastes so good, but not nearly as good as those lips of yours." I turned to go tell him off since he was flirting, but he cut me off with a big, breathtaking kiss.

When he pulled away, he grinned. "See, now I get to do that, without having to pin you to the freaking wall." I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm not going to kiss you because you forced me into some sort of relationship with you." I told him, and his eyes flickered. With what emotion, I'm not sure.

"Don't think your in a relationship with me Miya, that won't happen. I don't do relationships. Besides, I enjoy pinning you to the walls." He said that last part so happy that it was partially glowing off of him.

"Okay, Luca let's go home." I told him, then shoved him away. He told the driver to take us home.

As soon as we arrived, Luca had thought it would be funny to mess up my hair. He would run his fingers through it, making it all messy and knotted. When we entered the house, I was all out of breath and my hair was a state.

"Luca don't do that anymore!" I yelled at him. "Make me." He challenged. I smiled, but that smoked faded when I heard an "ahem."

Me and Luca both looked up and saw a curly, redhead standing in the middle of the room. She looked like a walking Barbie doll, with red hair of course. "Luca" she spoke, sounding like she had a huge stick up her read. Luca walked forward and nodded his head.


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