49. Work like dogs.

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"Let go of me!" I yelled as he men dragged me into a surprisingly nice looking room. That didn't matter, I wanted out and I was planning on leaving this place. Well, as soon as I get let go by these two monkeys.

"Be quiet miss, we don't want to hurt you." One of them said. I continued to struggled until they threw me into the bed, and left the room. They locked the door and I was trapped inside the room.

"Ughhh!" I screamed, and pounced onto the bed. I threw the pillows across the room and ripped the blankets, plus the sheets. I didn't want to be here! Uhhhh! This was diffidently bringing back some memories.


I ran up into my room, it and slammed the door shut. It wasn't locked, so anyone could of walked in. I wish I was able to lock it though, but only the boys can do something like that.

I ran over to my bed, and crashed into it. Covering my self up as if I was a little  taco. I pressed my face into the soft, white pillow and.....cried.

I hated being here, I hated being trapped. I was miserable. I could just feel the sorrow dripping from my body because this is the saddest I've ever been yet. I think I am still in shock. From being traded and all. I mean, they BOUGHT me. They can pretty much do whatever they want to me. With scared me so much I could faint.

I grip the pillow that I'm sobbing into, and I curb up really close to it. I feel so unsafe. There's nothing anyone can do to make me feel better right now. I know I've only been here for hour, I feel like I've been here for days. That's how lonely I am. Then, more tears start running down my cheeks.

I pull the blankets up over my head and look over at my clock. 8:34pm. That's late enough, this day can't get any worse. I turn in and flick of the lamp that was on, next to my bed. I cried myself to sleep.


That's who I felt when Luca first took me, and that's what I feeling like right now. When things finally get better between Luca and I, someone always find a way to ruin it. What do you call that?




I don't know, but whatever it is... I don't like it. I plan on leaving here. Some time soon too. What's that date today? Ahhhhhh..... DECEMBER. 16th.

So, yeah... Soon.

I closed my eyes and lid down on the empty bed. Just when I was starting to relax, someone bursts through the door.

I sat up quickly from the bed, and looked at the man who was standing there. Actually there were two.

I gasped. I could NOT believe who the two men were, I pointed at the two of them.




"Every person, every purchase, and every buyer must be searched. I don't care how long it takes." I ordered many men to do research. I will find Miya, and i will kill the man who bought her.

After a little while, one of my men spoke up. "Um, sir. This is going to take a decent amount of time." I glared at him and spoke. "How long will it take?"

He shook his head and thought for a moment. "A few days maybe a week." He said with caution. I glared at him for a minute. "Can't you go any faster!" I yelled at home, he jumped up at my sudden outburst. "Sorry... Sir... I..." The boy was stuttering, and I hadn't even realized that he head only like seventeen.

I shook my head angrily and punched the wall, leaving a fist sized hole in its place. The boy looked dow at his watch and made up an excuse. "Um... I got... To go feed my.... Cat!" Then he was gone. I knew it was a lie.

He didn't have a cat.

Alfesto came running towards me. "Come on Luca, let's go talk for a minute." He placed a hand in my shoulder. A part of me wanted to shrug it off, but he was just trying to help.

He was my best friend after all. Even a Mafia leader like myself, knows how important friends are, especially best friends.

I followed Alfesto into the living room. There, Sean and Josh was sitting there as well. I nodded at the boys, and they returned it when a friendly smile. I sat down in the recliner. "So, what's the problem?" I asked them.

Alfesto looked at me wearily. "Listen, Luca. You really need to take a break. Your working yourself, and everyone else like dogs. We will find her Luca, I know we will." He spoke.

I looked at Josh. He sighed. "We know you care about her, but you really need to loosen the reigns. We can't focus or get our jobs done when you won't let us get a decent nights sleep."

Then my last look like was at Sean. He was not as nice as the other boys. I think it's just because he's a year younger than me, and he had a WAY bigger attitude.

He nodded his head, and didn't let his gaze leave me. "Listen, boss. Just because you love Miya, that does that mean you have to treat us like your work horses. I want to sleep. Do you really think I can look good without any sleep!" He told me.

Alfesto and Josh slapped him on the arm. He jumped back and rubbed the spot he was hit. "Geez, I was just being honest!" He exclaimed. The boys glared at him.

"God, you could of been nice about it. He's lost Miya and....." Alfesto stopped for a minute. Then looked at me. "You love her?" Alfesto asked, sounding a little shocked.

I furrowed my eyebrows, and shook my head. "Where in the hell did you get that idea?" I said, sounding agitated. Alfesto his head, and smiled. "You didn't say anything when Josh said you loved her." He pointed out.


I sighed. "You guys are like little kids,
You know that?" I told them, then walked away. When I left the room, I could hear them laughing in the background. God, don't I have nice friends?

But, I diffidently will try and I will not rest until I find her. I let the boys have a rest tonight, but I won't. I need you no her, and I don't care how long it takes. I shook my head angrily. Tomorrow I will work them like dogs again, and I WILL find her.

Whatever the costs.



Okay, so how was that? Oh, here's the question for this chapter, "who is the two men our kidnapped Miya?"
PLEASE comment your thoughts. I want to know your guesses.

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