54. Big News!

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The gun shots slowly begin to lessen. I look out, to see many men scattered all over the floor. I could still see Josh, Sean, Mike, and Al standing there. I knew they would live, they were very skilled.

I stay there, until I hear footsteps. I look over and see Luca, he looks distraught. Then he starts running a round, throwing furniture, and searching for something. I wonder what he's looking for.

"Where is she?" He yells. Then knocks over some thing. Oh, so he's looking for me. I slowly begin to stand, and look at Luca, who is still frantically searching.

I clear my throat, and speak. "Luca?" I say, my voice was low. I was still upset about Becky, but I was over joyed about seeing Luca. I didn't want to be here with Jack anymore. He wasn't the nicest man in the world. Well, then again, neither is Luca. But, I preferred Luca.....

Luca looked up and noticed me standing only a few feet away from him. His eyes that were once filled with anger, are now lit up. He smiled. "Miya." He said in relief, as if he had been waiting to say those very words for a very long time.

He came towards me , and he moved quickly. When our bodies connected, I felt whole again. It's like, a part of me had been missing since forever. Now, I had finally gotten my missing link. It's like finding that one piece to a puzzle you've been trying to solve for days.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He lifted me up, and spun me around. "I missed you." I told him. He smiled, but before he could respond, I could hear Sean and Al singing.

"Miya and Luca sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G....." As so on. Luca glared at them, as if daring them to continue. They stopped, and Luca fixed his gaze back on me. "Come on, Miya. I'm taking you home." He said. I gripped onto his hand, "okay." However, he actually didn't let me walk home, he carried me to the car. Then he sat besides me on the ride home, just so he could carry me to put room.

He sat down on the bed, then he walked into the bathroom. I wondered what he doing in there, but then he walked out with a huge grin on his face. I tilted my head. "What are you up to?" I asked. His grin grew wider.

I continued to wonder until he revealed what he was smiling about. My cheeks went completely red when he showed me the maid costume I wore on one of the first days here. I hid my face, and fell back into the beds

I heard a clinging sound, then several footsteps. I opened my eyes to see Luca standing right next to me. I laughed, and got under the covers it was always freezing back at Jack's place: like, did  he not know a thing called a thermostat?" However, at Luca's it was normally warn. I did get chilly every so often, but Luca knew I liked it warm.

He walked over to the other side of the bed, and crawled in. I could feel his side on mine. I turned away from him, like I normally did. I was happy to be back, but I was too tired to even do anything.

He chuckled, then bit my earlobe. I sucked in a breath, then the memory of Jack swirled in my head. I shifted uncomfortably. Luca let go quickly, then turned me. I looked at him wearily.

"What is it?" He asked, sounding concerned. I sighed. "Nothing." I told him, the closed my eyes. He mumbled something under his breath. "Listen Miya, I hate it when you lie. Just tell me the truth and get it over with." I thought about resisting, but he deserved to hear the truth.

"Jack... He...." I began but Luca already seemed angry. Luca's arms tightened around me, and my face was now pressed up against his bare chest. "I know..." He whispered, then he kissed my forehead.

I closed my eyes, and wiggled in his arms. Once I was comfortable, I remained still. "He didn't... He... Ahh.." Luca began. I wrapped my arms around Luca's neck. "No... He kissed me.. That's all." I told him. He sighed in relief.

After five minutes of silence, I spoke once again. "Luca?" I said, hoping that he was still awake. I felt shift then look down at me. "Yes, Miya?" He asked. I gulped, "did you... Kill him?" I asked. He hesitated. "Who?" I closed my eyes.


"Yes, why?"

"Did you have to?"

"Yes, it was for your safety."

"But what if you get caught?"

"Babe, I haven't been caught and nobody in my gang has been caught. I think I'll be good."

Even though he tells me he'll be fine, something in the pit of my stomach tells me he won't be. Not forever anyway. I guess e knew what I was thinking, because he chuckled.

"Babe, no need to worry. We are well protected." He was trying to comfort me. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure you are." I said.

There's just something else though. The thought of his going in jail... Forever. It... It scares me. He's only twenty. His life could be over because he was born into this kind of life.

And he wouldn't be able to stop it. I would just happen, and there'd be no way out. The world is just like that. I felt Luca tighten, and my heart drops. "What is it?" I ask him.

He's as stiff as a board. "Okay, I have some.. News." He says. I widen my eyes, and then look up at him. "What kind of news?" I asked.

"I need to protect you Miya, you know that. So, I do anything in my power to keep you away from anybody trying to take you from me. As long as your with me, you'll always be in danger. But, I can protect you from it."

I was touched and horrified at the same time. "So, what do you plan on doing?" I asked. "I'm going to save you, and protect you." He answered. "How?" I said. He inhaled and exhaled, deeply. He looked into my eyes, and smiled.

"I'm going to marry you."



So, is Luca really going to marry Miya? How will she react?

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