16. Alfesto

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After many, many hours of training, I felt like I was going to pass out and die. Even though I know I wouldn't, I just felt like it. Alfesto was sweating, and was wiping his face with a towel when he handed me one.

Wiping away swear and breathing like a lunatic. Alfesto was looking at me and laughing. "What?" I Alden breathlessly. He pointed at my arms. "Your shaking, and you haven't even done muscle training yet." H pointed out. I laughed at him while he laughed at me.

"See you tomorrow? At ten thirty?" He asked, be I knew that HE knew the answer. "Sound good to me." I told him, and then we exited the gym.

The very next day...

Alfesto and I have done more cardio training just working out butts off. Even though he was already fit. He just didn't want me to do it alone, and he didn't want me to slack off. We kept working and working hard. We barely got breaks!

I thought that the "barely any breaks" part was unfair. However, he would always say, the harder you push yourself, the better you'll be. He isn't lying.


One week later......

I had already started muscle training, and I had hit the punching bag a few times. I no longer felt helpless. I felt like I could take down at least someone if I ever got attacked, but we will see if the time comes.

Al went upstairs to refill our water bottles since Sean had forgot to replace the water fountain. (And yes, I call Alfesto, Al now.)

I was beating on the punching bag, even though I couldn't hit it very hard. I was wearing black and purple gloves, and a new gym outfit. Al had gotten me a new one. This time my gym suit was purple and black to match my gloves.

Al and I had become really close and he was no longer he emotionless robot I thought he was when we first met. Of course, I never told them that I thought hat of him at first. I smiled when he entered the room.

"Al! Your back." I sounded a little excited. He smiled and handed me my water bottle. I patted him on the shoulder then took and long drink of my water. I placed the water bottle on the wooden bench, that was pushed out of the way.

"Your starting to get good at that." He pointed at the punching bag. "Who? Me?" I asked, a little shocked that he thought that I was good. "Yes you! Who else?" He joked, and I rolled my eyes at him. He just chuckled.

"Have you ever tried to kick and throw in some left and right hooks? It could really improve your fighting skills if you try some new, simple moves." He suggested.

I did as he said. First trying a left hook, then I would lift my leg to kick the bag. Then I threw a right hook, and finished with a few more kicks. I looked over at Al. He blinked. "That was....good. But you need to bring your arm up a little further, that will increase the power." He said. He adjusted my arm so I could hit harder, and it was way more comfortable than the first time.

When I threw a couple good ones, he looked pleased. He nodded his head to show me that what I was doing was correct. "When your kicking, be sure to move your body with your leg, to increase force." He told me. He gave me a demonstration on another punching bag, than moved is arms as a sign for me to follow his moves.

I copied Al perfectly. He seemed impressed, which made me feel proud of myself. I never felt like this. Al had a way to make me smile, make me proud of my actions. He hadn't laid one finger on me, nor had he threatened to. Even though he does day that he can't wait to practice inside the ring.

I can already see how that's going to go.
Most likely, I'm going to get beat up, and beat down. Just going to lose to the toned man, and he'll just train me again. Just so I'll be better the next time.

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