56. The unwanted reaction.

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I slowly backed away from Luca. I thought he was different. I thought he could be someone nicer. Not the person everyone says he is. By right now, all I see is a monster. A dark evil creature who had ruined my life.

If my parents didn't die, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have been so heartbroken. I wouldn't of been staying at my Aunt Diana's and Uncle Kevin's. I wouldn't of been beaten, and I wouldn't be mental torn up like I am now.

If he wasn't so careless, so reckless, so heartless. My parents would be alive, and I would of been happy. But Luca just looked at me, as if I was fluff to explode. He's just looking at me, with those puppy dog eyes.

He's not apologizing, he's not asking for forgiveness. He's just staring at me. Even though I think he should attempt to make himself not look as bad as he does right now. But I knew he won't. He LUCA, he doesn't apologize, he doesn't feel bad. He doesn't admit that he was wrong, and he won't kneel down to the feet of an eighteen year old girl.

He won't.

Now, I his wife-to-be! No, I can't become Mrs. Colt. Not when he's the murderer of my parents. My loving, caring, sweet, and innocent parents.

I backed up into the wall, and looked at him with shock written all over my face. "How... How could you!" I yelled. The hot tears were just pouring down my face.

"Miya, if you'd just let me explain what happened. How it all went down..." He said, sliding of the side of the bed. He was now stood up straight, and he was walking right towards me.

I pointed my finger at him. "No, don't move another step. I don't want you near me." I order him. He tilts his head to the side. "You can't tell me what to do. Besides, if you'd just let me explain, let me comfort you.." He soothes, but that soothing is not working.

"Back away! I don't want to be touched by someone who has my parents blood splattered all over them!" I shot at him. His eyes darkened.

"Now, now Miya. No need to be rude. I've already held you once, what makes it any different now?" He asks.

"What makes it different? I didn't know you killed my parent before! But I know now! My life wouldn't of been so messed up if they were still alive!" I scream, then I run into the bathroom.

Turning the lock, I climb into the bathtub. Sitting there with my legs brought up to my chest. I sob into my hands, as Luca pounds on the door.

"Miya, don't do this. There's no need to lock yourself in the bathroom. Just come out, and we'll talk this out." He says softly. It's not very often I hear Luca speak softly.

"Go away, I don't want to see you right now." I yell. I hear Luca growl. "Fine, no more mister nice guy..." He states. Then the room grows quiet. I begin wondering where he went. Did he finally give up? Did he leave?

Then, there's a huge crack and a loud crashing noise. I see Luca standoff right in front of me, and he had anger in his eyes. He was breathing heavily. But I mean, what do expect from someone who just broke down the dang door!

"Miya, what have I told you about making me..." He paused, and grinned. "Angry." He growled. He walked towards me and before I knew it, he had me pulled out of the bathtub. Out of hiding out of safety.

I struggled in his right grasp. I turned, I wiggled, and i shook, but there was no way he was letting me go. I guess he got fed up with my constant struggles, because he threw me over his shoulder and sighed.

I grabbed at his back, trying to bring myself up right. However, he kept me dangling over his shoulder like a rag doll. I watched him as he moved a white cushioned chair to the centre of the room.

He shifted my body on the edge of his shoulder, and sat me down harshly in the chair. He kept his ands in my wrists, so I couldn't get out f the chair. He stretched his arm across the table next to us, and grabbed small, white ties.

He restrained me to the chair.

Luca then stood up straight while I tried to wriggle free. For small ties, they were very strong, or maybe I was very weak. Whatever the reason was, I could not get out of themS

"Miya, Miya, Miya..." He placed his hands on his hips and shook his head back and forth. He said it like he was disappointed, but in a different way.  If that makes since.

"In the tub? I thought you were better than that." He said, as f I should of known better. Somethings sparked inside my mine. A memory, of when I first met Luca. I thought about it for a minute.

**Memory (chapter 2- sold**

I listened to the footsteps. "Find her!" Luca's voice was brutally hard. Before I could think anymore, Luca swung open my door, leaving a dent in the wall. "Come on, babe. I won't hurt you too bad..." he began searching. Then knocked my dresser over with a push of his hand.

I gasped at the loud thump, and he switched his gaze to the bed. He chuckled. "Under the bed, huh? I thought you were better than that." Before I could crawl away, Luca lifted the bed as if it was weightless. Then he pushed the bed up against the wall.

**End of Memory**

"Miya!" Luca shouted, and I snapped back to reality. "What? What fouls you possibly want now?" I shot at him harshly. He cocked a brow and grinned, "you always were full of sass." He stated. I looked at him seriously, and shook my head.

"But you know what I want?" He asked, as if I actually wanted him to tell me. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "What could you possibly want that you don't already have?" I said. He pulled something shiny out of his pocket, and held it up to my face could see. I gasped.

An engagement ring.



Hopefully this chapter was good!

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