22. Uncle Damatroz

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We walk into a large restaurant, which looked like it was made of gold. The money that went into this place.... It's more than I could ever dream of - or even think off.

Luca walked me over and asked where the Colt family was sitting to. The polite, young woman led us to our seats. Sitting there was a older man, I'm a navy suit.

He had grey and white hair, plus his stubble. His eyes were blue, and he looked like he had a huge stick up
His bum. No, forget stick, the whole entire tree.

When Luca came into his view, the man stood and hugged him as if they were best buddies. By the expression on Luca's face, he wasn't expecting such a warm greeting.

"Luca, you've gotten to become quite a man..." His uncle spoke. "But just not as good as me." I thought that, that comment was a joke, but Luca took his literally.

"Yeah, whatever." Luca sighed, his uncle stared at him. "Don't go saying 'whatever," you sound like a teenager who just hit puberty." His uncle pointed out and I choked down a laugh. Watching Luca get told off by his uncle was hilarious. Payback from all the times he was rude to me. Hehe.....

Luca sat down and looked at me wearily. He gave me the shut-him-up look, then switched his gaze towards his uncle. Damatroz looked over at me. "So Luca, who is this lovely young lady you brought with you? For sure its not your girlfriend." He spoke.

He reached his hand out to shake with mine. As soon as I shook his, he leaned down and kissed the top of my hand. "Such a beautiful young lady, why are you with my nephew?" He asked, like it was the worst thing in the world.

"Um.... Well you see..." I started but Luca finished for me, even though I didn't ask him to. "She's just someone from work Uncle. Nothing more."

Damatroz didn't look pleased with that answer but let it slid. "What's your name sweet pea?" He asked. I ran my fingers through my hair. "Miya, Miya Ling." I told him, and he smiled, and bright white teeth shone through

"Names Damatroz Colt, my last. But you can just call me Damatroz." He spoke, and crossed his arms over his chest. "Okay, Damatroz, I'm glad I was able to meet you."

"same to you, sweet pea. It still bugs me that someone so nice as you, could be with someone so annoying like Luca."

"Hahahahaha..... I guess you got him there."

Damatroz laughed and Luca slid me a look. I knew I wasn't helping, I was practically giving his Uncle Damatroz a reason to pick at him.

I'm doing this for Luca. It's his own damn fault that he put me in a daze before coming here. Like I said earlier....


When the waitress finally came around, Damatroz looked over at me. "What would you like, sweet pea?" He sounded so nice, just because he keeps Luca on his toes.... That doesn't make him a pain. Not to me anyway.

Before I could answer, Luca cut in. "She's having what I'm having." Damatroz looked over at Luca. "The girl can speak, you don't have to do everything for her."

Damatroz switched his gaze over to me. "Is that what you really want my dear?" He sounded like he genuinely cared about my opinion.

I quickly looked over at Luca, and he was giving me the go-along-or-you'll-regret-it-later smile, so I sighed. "I'll
Have whatever he's having." I spoke, and Damatroz shook his head.

Luca looked over, "good." I rolled my eyes, "whatever." Damatroz just stayed silent, and don't say one thing about me saying 'whatever,' he only said that to Luca. I pinched the side of my leg to keep myself from laughing.

The food did arrive twenty minutes later. It looked delicious. I looked over at Luca, completely surprised that he had picked something good. I knew it was lobster, I have tasted lobster before and it tastes delicious. Sometimes, when aunt and uncle had lobster, they would give me the shell and I would sometimes find spare meat. Not all the time, but I did find some meat sometimes.

We started eating, nobody said a thing until all the food was done. Damatroz popped Luca a huge question that made me gag.

"So, when are you going to marry Miya?"

Luca's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "Close your mouth before a bug goes down your throat. Now, answer my question...... When?"

Luca shook his head no, and spoke with a firm voice. "I'm not marrying her. Not now, not ever." Even though I knew that marriage between me and Luca would never happen, but shooting me down so quickly..... That kind of hurt you know?

"Um.... So you haven't proposed to her yet?"

"Not planning to either."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Luca Colt, I will destroy 'you know what' if you don't."

"She knows about the Mafia, Uncle."

"She knows! Well, you have to marry her now!"

Luca sighed at his Uncle Damatroz and looked down at his empty plate. Marry me? No, no way in hell! There is not one reason I can think of right now that would make me say 'I do' at the alter. I will never marry Luca, mark my words.

"Look, Luca. Take this...." Damatroz handed Luca a silver ring, with several gems along the top. It was gorgeous. "Slip that on her finger before someone else does." He pointed to me. I shook my head no, and Damatroz smiled. "It's okay darling, you can teach Luca into being a gentleman. He won't be that difficult.... Well I hope not anyway."

Luca looked over at me. "Miya, listen.... It's going to kill me to say this, but he's right. You knowing where I live, and what I do. If you were to escape you could rat out on me. Then my life is over. Do you think I want that to happen?" Luca sounded stupid, where was this coming from.

"Good job, my boy. Now slip it on her finger." Damatroz spoke. I thought Damatroz wouldn't be like this. Luca grips my wrist in his hand, and pulls it towards him. "Come on," he spoke, "somewhere private."

I got up and followed him.

When we entered a small room, Luca ran his fingers angrily through his hair. "Miya, you have to get engaged to me." He finally said, after a long awkward silence.

"No, that will never happen Luca." I told him flatly, and he had me slammed up against the wall in seconds. "You will obey me Miya. I am your master. So when I'm your fiancée, I can use you all day long." He pointed out. God knows what he'd do if I was his significant other? What would he do to me if I was his partner? "Miya..." He growled,

"Marry me."



Sorry for the short chapter! I was a little busy but I really needed to update today.

Please COMMENT and VOTE, let me know what you think.

Spread the love, my darlings.



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