52. Luca vs Jack

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I widened my eyes as I turned my body slowly to face Mike. Josh had already had his gun pointed directly had his head, so Mike wasn't going anywhere any time soon.

I could feel a lump form in my already dry throat, but I had swallowed down so I could speak. I stepped towards Mike. "So, your the one who stole my fiancée. Did you really think you could get away with it?" I say, loud and firm. Mike put his head down as if he was surrendering, but then he laughed. Bringing his head back up to look at me. He smirked.

"I could of killed you today, but Jack wanted to watch your body crumble lifelessly to the floor." Mike told me, as if that's how you speak to somebody. I brought my arm back, and punched him hard, right under the eyes. I then ordered two of my men to hold him in place.

I placed my gun on his throat and pulled of harshly. I know this technic makes it hard to breath. I know from memory and training. I also know from experience.

I look directly into his eyes and I spoke in a cold voice. "You will regret backstabbing me. I will make you pay." Mike gulps and doesn't let his gaze leave mine. He then quickly closes his eyes. "Your going to kill me? Your own cousin?" He stutters, and I grin. "There are many things that are far worst than death, cousin." I spit out at him.

Mike shivered, and shook his head. "Don't threaten me." He said, trying to keep come of his dignity. I smile, and lean down to his eye level. I chuckled and say, "it wasn't a threat. It was a promise."

Mike looks away. He knows what I'm capable of, and seeing that fear in his face, that just made my day. He knows I'm serious, and that he is going to pay the price.

At any cost.

I switch my gaze from Mike, to Jack. Miya was still struggling to get away from him. However, he held her tightly as if she wasn't affecting his at all. She isn't all that strong, but she is diffidently persistent.

I watched her struggle, as he whispered something in her ear. She paused for a minute and then looked up at me. She gave me a pleading look, and the shook her head. "No..." She said to him.

He then whispered something in her her ear again, and she shivered in his arms. He laughed and....

He kissed her neck.

I could literally feel the steam leak out through my ears. She looked down at the ground, completely defeated. He kept her in his arms. I stepped forward.

"Jack! Get away from her!" I yell. He smiles, and let's his head creep over her waist. She gasps, but doesn't push him away. He must of said something that made her listen. Gee, I wish I knew what those magic words were.

He kept touching her, until I pointed my gun at his head. "Oh, so this is YOUR woman? Sorry I didn't know, I mean, I was too busy kissing her to care."

I growled, and pointed at him. "I'm here for Miya, not to fight you." I told him. He chuckled, and raised his head. "Well you have to fight me to get her." He said. I nodded, then wiped my mouth in my sleeve.

"Fine, I'll fight you. The old fashion way." I told him. He thought for a minute and then threw down his gun. He kicked his gun towards one of his men, and looked up at me.

I handed my gun to Alfesto, and stepped forward. We continued to walk towards each other, until we were in arms reach. He bit the side of his lip and I cracked my knuckles. He grinned, "are you sure you want to do this? You'll never win."

I shook my head and chuckled. "Of course I'm going to do this. I can't wait to watch you bleed out on the floor, and the last face you'll see when you die....will be mine."

He laughed and swung at me. I quickly dodged and kicked his knee. His leg buckled and he fell to the floor. It didn't matter how strong you were, how big you are, or how skilled you are. If you hurt your kneecap, then you'll come crumbling to the floor.

I then took the back of his head and bashed his face up against my knee. I could here it smash as he fell to the floor.

I then waited for him to get on his hands and knees. I soon kicked him in the ribs so he rolled on the floor. Jack was good with a gun, but he was never good at physical fights.


He couldn't never beat me in combat. He should of known better. He mumbles something under his breath, and pulls a gun out of his boot.

"Hey! That's cheating, you can't do that." I tell him. He wipes the blood from his mouth and points it at me. "You know at first I thought I wanted to kill you. But now, I just want to see you suffer." He says.

I tilt my head but I stay put. "What? Make me suffer, what do you mean by that?" I ask.

He smiles. "I'll hurt you where you least expect it." Then he points the gun at....


"Don't you dare!" I yell, then I step towards him. He loads the gun, and I freeze. "In more step Luca, and I'll blow her brains out." He warns. I curse then run my fingers through my hair. I can see the fear on Miya's face.

"It's okay, Luca. I'll be fine." She tell me, but I know she's lying. She was never a good liar. Jack laughs. "Say goodbye to your little princess." Then he shoots the gun, and the bullet travels the distance.

Heading straight for Miya.



And there it is! Chapter 52! I hope it was good. Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and FOLLOW!

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