2. Sold

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I woke up to the sound of deep voices and Aunt Diana's higher pitched one. They all seemed happy, no signs of anger strung through the words. I rubbed me eyes but I was wide awake. I looked around the room, like every morning, but this time something caught my eye.

A light pink, but noticeable sticky note had been tapped to the door. Right in the smack middle of the plain white door. I stretched, yawned, and then moved my legs so they could dangle off the side of the bed. Slowly pushing the hair out of my dark brown eyes. Sometimes my eyes didn't look dark brown. At certain times, they appeared black, which amazed me. Black was one of my favourite colours, so my eyes changing from dark brown to black was fine with me.

I ripped the small note off the door and read it aloud. "Come down stairs, the door is unlocked. We have big news! -Uncle Kevin." I shrugged at his words. He was probably going to beat me downstairs today, instead of in my room. However, the thing that shocked me was the unlocked door part. They never really unlocked that door, only when they were there with me. Now I was unsupervised, and I was really scared.

I walked over to small, wooden dresser and slipped on a black tank top. Threw a light grey sweater over it. I pulled up a pair of old faded jeans, and battered sneakers I've had these clothes for a few years now, that's why I've got to be careful not to ruin them. If I did, I wouldn't have anything to wear.

I slowly turned the doorknob to open the door. This may seem funny to you, but it was the first time I've ever actually opened that door. I poked my head out through the door and stepped out. I walked into a long hallway. I found the staircase and walked down to enter the living room.

It's weird because I've only been in my room, the living room, hallway and the bathroom. That's it. My aunt and uncle have a pretty big house, and I've only been in those four rooms.

You would think that I would be allowed in the kitchen but nope. Aunt brings up two plates of food everyday, but it's full of slop. Old chicken bones they've eaten off of, stale chips, and expired foods. If I'm lucky, I'll get left over fries and gravy, but that's only on holidays. Maybe that's why I'm so skinny.

In the living room there was my aunt and uncle, plus four other men I've NEVER seen before. Uncle Kevin noticed me first. "Ah, there she is! Come greet everyone Miya!" He gave me the stone cold stare when no one was looking and I shivered. I raised my hand and said a quick "hello." Aunt Diana gestured me to go sit in he arm chair. I walked over and sat down slowly, crossing my legs in the process.

"She's full of bruises, what happened?" The man wth the jet black hair asked. Uncle Kevin looked at him and shrugged. "I taught her a lesson." The man in with the dark hair looked angry at my uncle's words. "You will never lay a finger on my property, ya hear?" He spoke sternly, his voice very frightening.

His property? What was he talking about. I guess aunt caught my gaze because she tapped me on the arm. I jumped at the contact and whipped my head around to see her. "Honey I know your confused, but something came up...." She spoke softly. She never spoke softly and that startled me. She normally had a high pitched voice that was as sharp and ice and as hard as nails.

I folded my arms over my chest and faced the four men that was sitting directly across from me. The man with the frightening voice but good looking face stood and walked over to me. "Your coming with me." He spoke harshly.

No, no I'm not. If he thinks I am, then he's crazy. I shook my head no, but he gripped my hair and yanked me to my feet. I yelped as he lowered his head to my level. "Don't fight me, babe." Then he threw to the floor, I hit the floor within seconds.

I sat up and looked at him. He cocked an eyebrow, challenging me to go back at him once more. "Who are you?" I mumbled, as a whimper escaped my lips. I let my head hang low. He went down and rested one arm on his knee. He placed one of his fingers under my chin and lifted my head up, forcing me to look into his stone cold eyes. "Luca. Luca Colt, your new owner." Then he let go off my chin with a quick flick of his hand my head suck down once again.

I looked over at my aunt and uncle. "Uncle, what does he mean?" I asked him, with s single tear rolling down my cheeks. "We need the money sweetheart." He spoke. I was chocked that he called me "sweetheart." Why am I getting so much affection? Is it because these men are here?

I looked at my aunt Diana and she shook her, smiling. "We sold you baby." My heart just smashed into teeny tiny little bits on the hard wood floor. Sold me? The blonde boy looked over at me and grinned at my widened eyes. I shook my head no, and Luca shook his head yes. He was stood behind the couch. I wonder what would happen if I tried to run to the front door.... Would I make it?

"Come, we need to go now." Spoke Luca as he gestured me to walk over to him. Like hell... He turned around to face the front door, and without hesitation, I ran up the stairs. Running to my room and slamming the door, I slid under the bed. I had to get somewhere, anywhere away from them. Just so they would leave me alone.

I listened to the footsteps. "Find her!" Luca's voice was brutally hard. Before I could think anymore, Luca swung open my door, leaving a dent in the wall. "Come on, babe. I won't hurt you too bad..." he began searching. Then knocked my dresser over with a push of his hand.

I gasped at the loud thump, and he switched his gaze to the bed. He chuckled. "Under the bed, huh? I thought you were better than that." Before I could crawl away, Luca lifted the bed as if it was weightless. Then he pushed the bed up against the wall.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. As soon as my legs straightened he grabbed me by the neck. Gasping for air, he towed me down the stairs. "Alfesto!" he called out, and the blonde haired man turned around.

Luca threw me at Alfesto's feet and pointed at me. "Tie her hands and her feet. We don't want her running away again." Then Luca left Alfesto. Alfesto did what he was instructed to do. I assumed that Luca was the boss, since he orders people around like that. Alfesto carried me bridal style to the black van. The windows were tinted, which gave me the creeps.

I didn't even get to say goodbye to Aunt and Uncle. I know they were really cruel to me, but they were the only family I had left. So now I'm alone. No family, no friends, no nothing. I'm just alone.

Alfesto made me sit in the middle. Then he slide on one side of me, and Luca on the other. Awkward. The other two men that came with them sat in the front. The man with the grey hair drove and the brown haired man sat next to him.

"You stay with us little lady." The grey haired man spoke. I tilted my head, feeling a little confused. I was still a little in shock, and I could feel my eyes glossing over with tears. "Don't cry now, there's no use. They don't work on us" Alfesto told me, as he crossed his arms over his chest.

They weren't wearing seatbelts, but I was. It scared me. The brown haired boy turned around. "You don't look pretty when you cry." He told me, then he gave me the deadly stare. The grey haired man, hit the side of his head. "Name's Josh, kid. Over there is Sean. I know you already know Luca and Alfesto.

I buried my face into my hands. Even though they were tied, I still had some use to them. Luca grabbed my shoulder and forced me to look at him. "Don't worry." he breathed, smiling devilishly. He brought his lips to my ear. I could feel his warm breath on my skin. "We'll take good care of you."


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See you next chapter!

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