19. Go to Italy.

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Three days later.....

How he managed to get a plane so fast I don't know. I wanted to ask him, but he's been working so hard in this "trip to Italy" that I didn't even bother.

Luca was already on the plane, and he had asked Josh to bring me. Josh was driving a Limo, and had me sitting in he front with him. I'm glad he didn't make me sit in the backseat, but Josh was different.

He was older, probably in his forties. Had grey hair, and stubble. His eyes were a light blue, and he always wore dressy vests. He was kinder, nicer, and a lot quieter. He never asked me to do anything and not once did he get angry with me. He was the first person to actually speak nicely to me when I got here.

"You excited, Miya?" He asked, even though I knew that he knew the answer. "Of course!" I nearly jumped out of my seat, but my seatbelt held me down. Thankfully.

"Woah, you really got some energy today, don't you?" He joked. I chuckled, and he just smiled. Josh was unique. Especially since he's been in this kind of work, you would think he would be mean, but no. He just took the time to be genuinely nice to people, and I'll appreciate that forever.

When weird ankylosis arrive to the plane, Josh and I had said our goodbyes. Then I got in the plane. The pilot had already said that this would be a long flight, and a nap in advised. Of course, Luca ignored that and pulled out his phone. He started playing as if he was some little impatient kid just nobody could control.

But i decided to take a nap. Since Luca had been very.... Controlling while we are sleeping in the bed. For some reason, he thinks that we should constantly be touching each other. Does he not know what "personal space" is?

I rested my head in my arm and closed my eyes. At first I starting thinking what I was going to do when I got to Italy. Then it switched to the people I had been recently with, and was currently living with.

I see Luca, all God damn day. Al is normally in the gym, I go down there with him sometimes. Josh, I get to see walking around sometimes, and he always takes the time to stop and ask
Me how I am. Sean, lazing around somewhere in the house. I think he's only a few months older than me. Eleanor, she is in the kitchen, snacking on something twenty four seven. and then me, I was just some poor girl who got sucked into this life and was forced to live it without any questioning.


Yep, totally unfair.


"Miya...." I heard a faint voice in the background. "Miya!" This time is was harsher, and louder. My body was shaking. My eyes shot open and I saw that it was Luca who had disturbed me from my nap.

"Luca, I was sleeping..." I told hind tiredly, and he just rolled his eyes. "We are here, Miya. Geez, you diffidently like your sleep." He spoke sourly.

Yes, I did like my sleep. I was normally waken up by yelling and screaming that was either coming from Uncle Kevin or aunt Diana. It didn't matter who, they were both equally loud. So, getting plenty of sleep was actually weird, even if Luca's gang had been letting take as much as I needed. It takes a while to wrap my head around, if you know what I mean.

Luca stormed off, jamming his hands in his pockets. He was difficult. He was controlling. He was bossy.

He was Luca.

I rubbed my eyes, and stood up from my chair. I looked over a Luca's chair and noticed that he had left his jacket. I walked over to his chair and swooped the jacket in my arms. Folding it over my arms, I stepped out of the plane.

It was cold.

Really cold.

I was thinking about putting on Luca's jacket. But would he mind. Pftt.... Why do I care? I can wear it if I want to.... Right?

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