26. Trapped heart, freed soul.

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"See you later tonight, sugar." Roxie was trying to get in his head. Luca grinned and gave her a peck on the lips, "there's more where that came from." he whispered. Luca turned away and walked into his bedroom. I was disgusted. Did they really have the flirt while I was there? Seriously?

I looked over at Roxie, who was staring at me. "What?" she spoke harshly. I shook my head, "nothing." She crinkled her nose, and stormed over to me. "Oh, it's something Listen to me, Miya Ling. Luca is mine, you hear?" she sounded angry, as if I was going to take Luca away from her.

Pftt... as if.

"Yeah, yeah.. whatever." I told her, sounding like I didn't care. I whipped my hair in her face and turned on my heel. "Miya! How dare you disrespect me! I am important, and I am superior!"  My god she sounded like a whining baby.

"Shhhh.... I'm trying to relax."  I told her. I didn't want her attitude and negative vibes to ruin my day. I already was in a good mood, since I was leaving today... but I swear to god I will be angry if she messes my day up.

"Listen, Roxie... is it? I don't care right now, your seeing Luca tonight. Are you really that clingy? Go home. Oh, and also stop drooling over him, your getting it all over the rug." I told her, and she groaned angrily.

She walked towards the door but stopped when she put her hand on the doorknob. She whipped her head around to face me and spoke. "Stop being so rude!"

"That's my choice to make."

"Well, leave me alone."

"I will if you shut up and stop talking to me."

"Well don't do anything to him."

"No promises."

Then she turned the knob savagely, and slammed it hard enough to knock a picture off the wall. I rolled my eyes and went to go in the kitchen to get something to ea. However, I bumped right into Luca.

"Having fun?" he asked, sounding amused. I tilted my head to one side and cocked a brow. "With what exactly?" he laughed. "As if you don't already know." he walked away, sitting on the couch.

"What are you talking about?" I was annoyed now, like, stop beating around the stupid bush. "You and Roxie. That little argument. That was funny." he said. A lump formed in my throat. He saw and heard all of that? Oh no.

"You watched us?" I asked him horrified. "Yeah, but my favourite part was when you told her you might do things to me" he pointed out. I gasped, "I did not!" He winked, the mocked me, "No promises." Oh dear god I did.

I did, I totally did. I covered my mouth with my hand, and widened my eyes. "Come babe, I know you like me. Why fight it?" he was such a flirt. He got up and slowly walked over to me, my back now pressed up against the wall. He placed his hands on my wrists, and kept them at my side.

"Luca, what are you doing." my voice was squeaky. Why was it squeaky? He nipped my bottom lip. "I still haven't forgotten." He spoke. I squirmed so he would move. "Forgotten what?" I asked. He breathed heavily, and whispered, "that sweet little moan of yours."

Before I could resist, he started playing around. Kissing my shoulders, sucking my neck, nipping my ear lobe, and biting my neck. I couldn't not hold it in. I let out a soft moan, which made Luca's head shoot up. He smiled, then let me go.

He winked, then exited the room. I sank down the floor. Placing my head on my forehead. "Oh! You se being locked in your room tonight, I'm going out later." He sung out. I shouted back, "you don't need to, I'm too tired to care anyway." I told him, the got back up. I stood in the middle of the room, and shook my head.

"I got to leave tonight."


Eight thirty.

The time was ticking away slowly. Luca was just getting to leave, and he was just about to lock my door. "Okay Miya, goodnight." He spoke. I crawled into bed, and lid down on my pillow.

Luca walked over to me and rested his hand on the bed. "Your going to be fine here, right?" He asked. I nodded, "of course, I'm just going to catch up on some beauty sleep." I told him.

He kissed me on the forehead, "you don't need beauty sleep, babe." Then he walked off. I heard the door close and the lock twist. I was locked in this room.

Little did he know that I have a kitchen knife under the bed.

I heard Luca rummaging through the penthouse, then the front door closed. I listened for the car, but there was no way that I would be able to hear it from up here. So, instead, I waited twenty minutes.

As soon as 8:55 rolled around I sprang into action. Taking the time to get up, and grab the kitchen knife. I walked over to the front door, and jammed the knife in the side of the door. I wiggled it around, trying to maneuver the knife so the lock price would move out of the way.

When I heard a small click, I twisted the knob and stepped out side of the room. I ran to the front door and noticed a key code lock. Damn, didn't see the coming.

If I get it wrong it will trip the alarm. I ran into the bedroom, and grabbed a steel lamp. You know, the ones you use during a power outage. And I busted the locked. Stepping outside of the penthouse room, I sighed in relief. Freedom.

Then the alarm went of.

I ran to the elevator and went all the way down to the first floor. People were running past me, just to get up into Luca's room. Then I realized... They thought it was a break in, but no, it was a break out. I left the hotel, praying that Luca would not come around the corner.

Hoping he won't show up.

I ran down the roads as fast I could, and into a dark alley way. I was a decent distance away from the hotel. Even though I was farther away, I kept going. Luca would come back and notice me gone, but maybe he wouldn't.

Since he had Roxie.

He didn't care about me or my feelings, he had Roxie. He didn't need to keep me for his entertainment or amusement, he had Roxie.

Damn, if I do get away, I am going to miss a few of them.

Al. Oh I'll miss Alfesto. We used to train, and work together. He's been someone I could talk to. Eleanor, she was a female that I could bring my problems too and ask any question. Josh, the older brother figure, that's going to be hard. Sean, we were like cats and dogs, but it's going to be different without him.

Luca, the man who took my first kiss.
The man who told me he would protect me. The man who bought me, the man who owns me. I sighed, I am out of their grasp. Which means I am no longer held captive. Even though my mind tells me to run, but my heart wants me to go back.

I am nothing but a trapped heart, but a freed soul.



So she escaped! But will Luca catch her? Will she be able to remain hidden?

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