59. Christmas Morning.

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December 25th... AKA Christmas!


I awoke, when nobody in my arms. I didn't like that. The feeling that i have no one to hang onto and no one to hold when i wake. No, Miya was supposed to be in bed, with me. I guess she didn't feel like listening today. Then again, she never listens.

I sighed and stared up at the ceiling. It reminded me of all those days I didn't have Miya, and when she ran away from three, whole months. All those morning i awoke alone, and stared up at the ceiling, and all those sleepless nights i spent thinking about her. I didn't want to be reminded of such painful moments. She should of just stayed in bed.

I sighed, then crawled out of bed. I was still a little tired, but also shocked that Miya was up before nine. She normally slept in, and i used to hear her little snores, that's she swear she doesn't snore.... she does.

I put on a black shirt, when dark blue jeans. Then i shoved on a black leather jacket that i know Miya loves, and black shoes. I do like dark colors, and i can't stand wearing any thing very light.

I slip my phone into my pocket, and exit the room. I instantly smelt something very good. Like a treat... something that i would when i was kid at a relative's house. It smelt delicious.

I didn't waste a second longer, and i quickly made my way downstairs. When i reached the bottom i couldn't believe my eyes. Miya, had the whole place decorated. She had a smaller than normal Christmas tree, and she was holding a plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies. They were in the shape of little Christmas trees too, and the chocolate chips looked like little bulbs.

But that's not what caught my eye, it was Miya. She was wearing a bright red dress, whit a black belt. It had white on the ends, and collar of the chest. She's like a female Santa, but the hotter version. 

I watched her as she hummed this Christmas song in her head

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I watched her as she hummed this Christmas song in her head. I couldn't quite pick out which one, but she was moving her head to the rhythm. She must love Christmas to go do something like this.

That's when i heard more footsteps behind me. It was Josh, Sean, and Alfesto. They all stopped behind me. "Why are we waiting here..Ohhhh." Sean said as soon as he found out what i was watching.

Josh smiled, and Alfesto put his hands on his hips. He smiled then let his head hang low. Sean couldn't take his freaking eyes off of her. I hit him up side the head, and waited for him to say, "ow!" I smirked when he did. Sean shrugged, "I can't help it, she's hot!" he exclaimed, and she immediately looked up.

"Oh! Hi! Merry Christmas guys, i hope you don't mind the decorations." she said, then placed the cookies on the coffee table only a few inches away from her. She pointed the couches, and waited for each of use to sit down. I sat in the recliner, while Alfesto and Josh sat on the couch, and Sean stretched out on the love seat.

"You did this all yourself, sweetheart?" Josh asked her. She smiled, and answered. "Eleanor got a few things for me yesterday. She said she used Al's money, so...." her gaze went to Alfesto. He cocked a brow, and laughed. "She's my girlfriend, she can spend whatever she wants." Alfesto says.

"yeah, and now... i want to steal one of these cookies." Sean states, then steals one of the plate before Miya can stop him. She places her hands on her hips and looks at him. "They are still very hot, Sean." She told him,

He shrugged it off, and i bet her regretted it, because he covered his mouth as soon as he bit into it. When he finished chewing he widen his eyes, then looked at her. "These are very good! But very, very hot." he said. She smiled, the grabbed a bulb the was on the small table next to the love seat.

She moved over to the small tree and placed the bulb in a bear spot, completing the look of the tree. "I wasn't expecting any of you guys up yet. That's why I'm not ready." she explained. Everyone nodded, and then she looked at me.

I smirked, then told her to get over here. I stood up, because i had a plan, and i bet she doesn't have one clue what i plan on doing to her.


Luca told me to come over to him. He stood up, smoothing out the wrinkles in his clothes he got from sitting down in the recliner. I was confused of what i did to make him want me to come over to him, so i did.

I got close to him, we were practically nose to nose. He smiled then pointed at the ceiling. I cocked a brow, then looked up, and gasped.


I looked back at him and back up. "No, no. I caught you fair and square, i get to kiss you now." he smirked, and but his lip when he spoke. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him, surprising me with one of his amazing kisses.

His hands where on my waist, and i had no other choice but to wrap mine around him neck. My legs were so wobbly, that if i let go, id probably do a face plant in the floor. When he pulled away, Sean whistled. "Looks like we got a new couple here, so, when are you guys getting married?" he asked, but he was joking. He didn't know w were ACTUALLY getting married.

I gave him a crooked smile, and looked at Luca. Luca was looking at me. "Well..." i began, but Luca took over for me, thank god. "Miya and I are getting married, and it's going to be real soon. Maybe the beginning of next year, so... about 2 weeks from now." he told them.

I looked directly at Luca, completely shocked. "I didn't know it was going to be that soon! you got to give the BRIDE some notice here!" i yelled, and i heard Al laugh at me. Luca grabbed my hands and held them to his chest. "It's going to be fine, Miya. You'll have your dream wedding, and you will say 'i do' when the time comes." He assured me.

I closed my eyes, as he carried me back to his seat in the recliner. I sat on his lap, and i could feel the other boys staring at us. "Luca, but we have so much to do... and..." I stopped. I rested my head on his shoulder. "What, babe?"

I sighed, "Your only doing it for protection, not out of love. How can you call it my dream wedding if my groom doesn't even love me?" i asked. He thought for  moment, but i heard one of the boys speak up behind us. It was Josh.

"How do you know that he doesn't?" Luca and I both looked over at Josh, as he causally sat of the couch. He shrugged as he bit into one of the tree shaped cookies. "How do you know that you both might be meant for each other?" he said again. I froze and so did Luca, and Josh spoke once more.

"What if the wedding, is out of love?"



Okay, I know it's not Christmas, but it's my favourite holiday!! So..... Yeah. It just happened to work that way. 😀



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