60. Love?

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"What?" I said, as if didn't hear his correctly, but I totally did. There's no way Luca could ever love me. He's too cold to ever love somebody like me. He can't... can he?

I looked Luca and he looked just as shocked as me. He had his eyes widened, and was staring at me. I looked away quickly then got up from Luca's lap.

There's no way he could love me... No, I wasn't strong enough for someone like Luca. Not tough enough, not... Good enough.

God, look what I'm saying! I mean, I got to stop to think about this for a moment.

I looked at Luca, and his eyes were clouded over and there was no expression on his face. He was a hard book to read. I left the room without another word. It was Christmas, and I was supposed to be happy, bit confused and upset. But, I never get any breaks, I'm always lost in the dark.

Where is my light?


I enter the bedroom and start pacing back and forth across the room. I was so confused, so unsure, and my feelings were so mixed up I didn't know what I was feeling.

"Oh.. Oh dear..." I mumbled and I walked across the room. That's when I heard a faint knock on the door, and I looked up.

Luca Colt.

My husband-to-be.

I sucked in a breath and a lump formed in my throat. Was it just me, or did Luca look extremely hot right now? He ran his fingers through his dark hair and he looked and me, the bit his lip.

I didn't even realize I was staring at him until he said, "get a good look, babe. You'll see this around more often." Then he took a step towards me.

I froze in my tracks. When he got real close, in arms reach, I backed up. Not even realizing that I had let him get so close. I backed into a wall, like I usually did.

Stupid walls.

Then he was right in front of me. His arm was tested in the wall besides my head, caging me in. He grinned. "You seemed.... Nervous when Josh said he thinks the weddings out of love. Is that true Miya? We're you nervous?" He asked.

I gulped, then rested my forehead on his chest. "No... Maybe... A little... Yes." I eventually got it out, but I was so nervous around him now, but it was even worse when he wasn't there at all.

I preferred having him around, even after everything we've both been through. It's been a crazy ride, and now it's time to face the facts...

Do we love each other?

"Nervous, hm? Well, that's good to know.." Then he bit my earlobe very carefully, and placed kisses on my neck. "Very good to know." He repeated, the licked me up and carried me over to our bed. It was still unmade,
But that didn't matter.

"Lie down." He says. I widen my eyes, "what?" I ask, a little frightened at his request. "Miya, do you trust me?" He asked, as if his life depended on my answer. I hesitated, so he repeated himself. "Do you trust me?" I nodded.


"Then lie down."

"Can I ask why?"


"Why not?"

"Just trust me, okay."

So, I listened, and I lid down on the bed without and more questions. I stayed there for a little while, until I felt Luca move. I went stiff as a board when I felt his hand on my arm, and a finger brush my wrist.

I shivered, when his other hand caressed my cheek. I smiled, then waited for him to do whatever he had in mind. I felt him sink down lower, and rest his head under my neck.

HE was resting in ME. It was normally the other way around. I was a little shocked at first, then I exhaled. It was actually kind of nice to have someone resting on you. Knowing that they test you enough to even make that move in the first place is nice.

I ran my fingers through his hair, and he closed his eyes. I always loved Luca's hair. It was short, and he normally had it spiked(or whatever you call it), but when he wakes up in the morning, his arm falls over his eyes, making him look as handsome as ever.

Plus, it was so soft. He probably used Head And Shoulders shampoo and conditioner. Yeah, he must. Maybe that's why his hair always looks nice, all day, everyday.

I hummed and Christmas song that had been in my head all day, and Luca immediately say up. I stopped humming. He shook his head. "Don't stop, keep going." He urged my to him again.

I picked up for where I had left off. He listened very carefully, and grabbed my hand. My humming became shaky, because he lifted my hand so it was in his hair. He must like people playing with his hair...

I never knew that until now.

After I finished, he asked, "what song was that?" I chuckled. "Silent night. Mom used to sing it to me wen I was young." I told him, then smiled. He sighed like he had something very heavy in his shoulders.

"What's wrong, Luca?" I asked, placing a hand in his shoulder. He looked at me, and said, "I've been thinking about many things lately." He answers. I cock and brown and tilt my head it the side. "What kind of stuff?"

"The wedding." He immediately says. I nod and purse my lips. "Yeah, it's a lot to get ready for.." I began, but he shushed me. "I can handle that, but it's the thought of you throwing your heart away to someone you don't want to marry." He said, sympathetically. He's never spoke that way to me before.

"I'm not throwing my heart away." I told him.

"Yes you are!" He yelled.

"How do you know, huh? Maybe.. Maybe I don't think I'm throwing my heart away."

"How can you not think that. I'm a gang leader, I hurt people. How could you possible like someone like me?"

"But I do LIKE you!"

"Yeah? Do you really?"

"Of course." I said, then paused. I bit down on my lip, and jumped when Luca pulled me in for a kiss. It was slow, and very passionate. It was full of... Love. when he pulled away, he whispered three little words.

"I love you."



Ohhhh! Talk about a cliffhanger. Hopefully this chapter was good, and I can't believe I made it to 7k reads, thank you guys so much!

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